Friday, January 1, 2010

a new decade of excitements ...

Hi I am BACK ^.^

it's new year, it's a new decade

Just 5 hours before that I receive a not so good news from my biz partner. However I am not faze by it, as I say I am always a survival , a strategist and this time I will be a winner too. My mind is extremely focus when I want it to be. However, now I am on 'silent retreat' enjoying the silence before the battle starts again, so things can wait. I am not hurrying !

This year, this new decade I want to secretly make a little wish. hahahah na na na ... I am not going to write it here otherwise it will not come true, it will be in my "blue book" later. I wish that ....................

I hope you too will make the best of this new decade, new era, make your heart whole and let peace be with your soul ! Reach for the dream and make it happen, follow your heart don't only think of it, action always speaks much louder then words. If not now when ? Don't think of whether it is worth it because when you start thinking whether its worth it or not then it is always NOT WORTH it. Because it is always not worth it when you are now in a comfort zone. Just go for it, only when you end the journey will you know that it is worth it ! !

Dreamers are always crazy ... Happy New Year !

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