Tuesday, January 5, 2010

first day ..

Today is the first day at school, first day at work ... so many people are hurrying to start life; the 7 years old kids as in my smart nephew is first day in school learning to be independent. Learning to take in as much knowledge as he can. Parents are getting anxious to prepare the little one to be ready for school. The excitements every where .. its in the air !

And now what happens after that ? Most often humans get started to things, eagerly to get things in order and ready for the big day there after what happens ? There after what's next ? Will the excitements end there ? Will the preparation ends there ? And when other mattes settle in, most often we tend to tune down. Children as I always equates them with baking. They are the flour and dough .. we mix all the ingredients into the flour to become a dough and from there on how we want to mold the dough to be buns, cakes or simply doughnut is entirely up to us. The same goes, the child is pure and innocents what we teach and input into them is what makes of the child later on. If we use too over heated oven it will burn, if we use lower degrees it doesn't turn out ... it is important for us the 'chef' to be careful of what we want to bake out of the flour. With flavoring and a little patience the cake can be a most pricy item or a crap dough ! The choice is our to make, the chef / the parent !

Do you still remember your first day at school ? It was very exciting to see so many new friends and being in a place where I know no one in my class. Mom's wanted us to go master our English rather then  enroll us in a Chinese school. English is the international language of the world. Then again it is funny how that during my days we will naturally converse with our teachers in English rather then our national language, Malay.

Seeing my nephew came back home with stories of how he buy food during his recess is a joy ! He on his first day in school learning to purchase food for the first time .. short given the canteen operator aunty and aunty asks him to pay additional 10 cents ! He was very anxious as well as so excited that there's so many choices of food to choose as compare to pre-school all set menus !! He was also extremely excited about his first learning dvd science text book and wanted to install it immediately ! I can see in his eyes the sparks and the glow.. of new adventure in school !

I too am eagerly awaiting for his new adventure to start hoping to be there for him in every of his encounter.

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