Saturday, January 9, 2010

love loving losing learning lessons .. re-loving

Once a while I like to pull out some old but nice and enriching books that helps me to reconnects, re-evaluate and realigns me with my soul with my being. It helps to bind me to reality.

Dr Cherri Carter Scott had a few good books and one is related to Love, in her summary I copied here
"in the game of love I have won, I have lost, I learned how to open up and love again when I thought I never could ... experimenting and growing from the pain of a broken heart and shattered dreams" I think in every of us we walk this path too, just that the experience we go through are not the same because every of us is unique and different in our own way and have our own path to maneuver.

She also ends it with "loving, losing, learning the lessons and re-loving, I am pleased to open the door and share it with you. I cannot say the journey has been easy but it has been worth it, learn your  love lessons and treasure your partner each precious moment you are fortunate enough to be together" With this I am uncertain myself, because I have found someone that I am attracted to very intensely, and a mate that my soul had been searching for all this while. Universe allows us to meet and connects in a very unique way allowing me to see things differently. Then again I leave it to fate whether I am able to find "home". I am tire, I am a worn out warrior. The burning flame of desire is growing stronger and wilder inside me. I am trying with all my might to de-flame it, to slow it down. I called this karma, I was once being advise by a Guru that I have to repay a lot of romance debts in this life. In my past life I have hurt many women, I was a famous opera singer in China * in Chinese cultures, opera singers moves from town to town, city to city to perform and every place they stop they have new love and then when its time to move they leave, no lasting relationship, no real love, no real feelings *

I never believe in such before this, I was always a fighter, a pursuer and always go for what I feel is right ( I still do) but may be my meeting with this Guru is a fate that he enlightens me of why my lack of luck in this aspect. However I did win some even though I lost a lot before this. I pick up, I learn and I brave myself to open for love again.

I find Dr Carter's summary to be enlightening, encouraging and optimistic enough for anyone of us; be it loving or losing or re-loving.

I have not been in good luck in the area of romance all my life mainly due to fear, my whole life have been full of fear. Fear of expressing my feelings freely, fear of committing myself to a vow, if I did promise I will do all my might to fulfill it. I have learned and I am still learning to be a much better person. I can only say that I am a much better person now compare to a decade ago. I am more prepare to take on the next phase of my journey. And I am certainly looking forward to the next decade, if I am lucky enough to live on for we never knows what will happens tomorrow.

Love is reaching out when you don't want to, communicating rather than assuming, asking questions rather than jumping to conclusions. Most of all love is about staying committed when you feel like wanting to walk away.

If neither of the above then love certainly is not deep enough for us to make the effort. Then may be its time to move on to the next chapter as it is not destine to be !

Away from the topic, I always like dusk, and here the beautiful horizon just now from the window of 7th floor ...

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