Friday, January 8, 2010

The Journey ..

A fellow tweeps from US asks me whether I believe in destiny. I do believe in destiny for without destiny my soul will never knows where it is heading. Though of course rationally and physically I would have no idea where I'll end up in the end. But visions and dreams will lead me to where I belong and wants to be. Recently there are alot of things had been boiling inside me, and I can feel that its almost dry up, I need to put in some juices so that it will not get overcook. And that I can keep the process rather then ending things pre-maturely.

However through the years on earth and after 4 decades, I guess I have finally learn to accept. Accept what is and accept what is not as well. This journey, this time I felt that my soul had been enlighten by all the lessons thrown to me with or without prior notice.

OK I have to insert here a scenario, while watching this movie based on a true story in Florida, "What Makes a Family" here

a.     One is dying of a chronic disease; leaving behind a beautiful daughter and her lover
b.     One is seeing her lover dying of chronic disease

Which one is enduring the pain more, the leaving one or the staying one ?

I always have this thought and keeps reminding myself that I will not be the first one to die first, I will always be the one to live longer because I cannot let my lover suffer and mourn over my leaving !

And most often the one who stay behind are the one who suffer the most, then again we have to all deal with it and move on. Because there are other people who love us equally to want us to be happy !

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