Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tung Jeh (Winter Festival)

Well its time of the year where I will be extra and extreme inspire to write as this is time of the year where so many things will boils up to the surface just like these dumplings (one of my favorite food for winter)... hahaha call it time to unwind, rise up and settle down for the year.

I am in the writing mood now as so many things are playing around my head and keeps me awake throughout the nights and also days. This I sometimes dislike being a Gemini, our minds are so powerful that we can go on and on thinking non stop ! hmm if I am not in diving and travel .. I can be a good writer ;) hahaha

Its festive season everywhere and lots of parties and celebrations going on however for the past 2 years I have not been able to feel any during this period. Perhaps its age perhaps its situations. I use to get away at least twice a year ie during my birthday and new year. To make these 2 occasions memorable. But I have not been doing it for 2 years now. My professional life changed, I mean I have my own company which I have invested a lot in so financially speaking these 'luxuries' that I use to have, have to make way temporarily. But then again, my work is my pleasure in some way so though I didn't get to go places I like to be but I still get to dive around.

This is one thing I like about festive seasons and also sunset; the end is coming. Its always full of thoughts and everything is boiling up from deep within. Counting blessings and also flashing back what are the lessons along the way, through out the year.

I certainly have lost the feeling for Christmas or Winter Solstice .. may be there is not much to celebrate anymore. To me now every day seems the same; meaning everyday is a good day to celebrate, why only limits for the festive season ?

So are you partying everyday now ?

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