Tuesday, December 22, 2009


A friend just made a snap decision that he regrets and are now worrying how to reverse back that decision, asking me for advises, well all I can offer is, follow your heart and never deny what your heart is feeling. To me it always applies to life no matter how bad or good the situation is. One must be truth to one's feeling.

Me ? As usual, not offering any, I never like to tell people what they should do. Because they can never do what I want them to. So they should decide for themself ! Me can only support him all the way, and actually no way is a better way nor best recipe for overcoming a situation. All we need to do is act upon it and let the result tells us whether it's right or wrong. Until we reach the end of the path only will we know this is the right path. So mean while just enjoy process lah.

Some people take it ever so seriously of every single steps they made and as if it's the most important. Some takes it one at a time and let things unfold one by one. I don't know, sometimes when we feel its right then why hesitate ? If we have already decided then just go for it; because it is ALWAYS that we never knows what happens tomorrow ** I want to mention here too, Brittany Murphy ( I don't even know who she is, apparently she is famous) died of cardiac arrest at 32 yesterday ! **

I do not say that the decision he made is right or wrong. One can view it as wrong from one point, but there again that he may have made that decision at that time as right ! and if he choose to reverse back his decision, I mean we are no one to say he's wrong or right, that he deserve a second chance. WHO can judge him that he made a right decision or wrong decision ? I can't, you can't neither.

So why is he so worry ? This makes him one of kind, him self ! Anyway no judgements pass on him. He is very capable young man who are suddenly thrown into unfamiliar and uncharted waters that he lost his judgements temporarily. He is NOT this person when I first met him .. he is the most confidence of any person his age with a very good professional qualification up around his belt.

How do you judge ?

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