Wednesday, December 16, 2009

time will come when it is right

Today I visited a long time friend from another resort, Martinus had been a long time friend. And every time he sees me he never fails to invite me over to his place, and every time I will have reasons not to go. It is me if I don't like taking things for free, because there will be responsibility to come. This is me and its not easy.. I values commitment and credibility.

It's easy to take free things but it is not nice to owe people favours and simply not repaying them in return. Martinus is so so happy to see me, but it is just out of courtesy that i pay him a visit and not staying at his resort for free. And they are actually many more people that is they are aware of my presense in Manado will surely invites me over to stay at the properties. For once, I felt so welcome but also too much of attentions.

What I really want to say is, it really has been a long long time and Martinus never fails to invites me every time we meet for the past 4 years. I have been post-poning my trip to Manado over and again. So perhaps the time now is right for me to visit. And I know I will be returning to Manado soon again, because I really fell in love with Lembeh Hills Resort.

Its also funny that at the airport I met Mario, my divemaster during my last visit to Manado at Gangga Island Resort, an Italian owned resort. Its really funny how people will cross path again when its not done yet. Just this year July I met Mario back during the dive show in KL and never would I thought to see him again. Yet our path crossed and may cross again in the future as I am really interested in his place at Halmahera, with beautiful white sand beach.

This trip to Lembeh has been long overdue and I am so glad that I made it. And I have a strange feeling that it will be my 'home' for next year. I will be going again and again and again. But I will never get bore of it, the view is not only spectacular but magnificent !

Time will certainly come when it is right ..

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