Sunday, December 27, 2009

mind reading

I was trying to finish this book I started about 4 months back. I have to admit that with the internet ever so advance and convenience I am having problem in finishing a book. Internet provides me so much of reading materials anywhere anytime; news, magazine articles, informations etc etc. To finish a book for me now takes months. And the only time I will do much reading is when I fly or travel. Now this book I really wanted to finish it before year ends.

Ok not to talk about my slack in reading books, while reading this topic came into me, mind reading. I am sure every of us at some stage in our life have try to read the other person, what is that person thinking, why is he / she acting in a sucha way. Is our reading and analyzing right or wrong so on and so on .. bla bla bla.

Well have you ever come across as reading wrongly ? I used to be very self centre and couldn't be bother what people around me are like. You know that kind of me is me I don;t care who you are or what you are feeling. But then again, lesson thrown into me that I want to care more about people around me so I pay more attentions to what people around me, what happens to them their facial expressions etc etc. Still I am no good at it because I don't use my head to read instead I learned a better way for me to understand people around me more. I prefer using my heart to see what is the other person feeling and why reacting such.

To read a person is too complicated and needs lots of attention, I prefer just to be there and let the other person tells me what they are feeling. Because if we are sincere enough to show or let our guards down ... without any wall between us they is no need or no place to hide our feelings. This way we can be true to ourself and others.

So what's the point of reading mind ? Sometimes we just have to be lil ignorant and stop reading too much into any situation. I have tried many times to read many people in my life. In my work, I travel and meet thousands of people, they come and pass through my life, some never comes back, some I will remember forever, some I use to hate but learn to forgive or sympathize. If I have to read so many I would be an expert by now. But I choose to ignore and let the feel comes naturally. Some may say I am ignorant, some may say I am the last to get it. But then again, why trouble too much when some people wants to hide it. No point of reading through them, there may be a reason to hide the feelings. If they are sad just accept that they are sad, they will come around when they are ready to expose voluntarily without force.

And even if that person have the intention of lying, so be it. I am willing to be lie to. He who lies, live a life full of lies ! Many times people warn me of such and such person, beware of this or that person. I find it too complicated to keep aware of who's real and not. It's just too much of effort to always be on guard. My walls use to be solid with perfect heights but I let it breaks down completely just like the Berlin wall, I let my guards off completely, all thanks to zahir who had thought me a very valuable lesson. And I find that now a life without wall is much happier and lighter. I become who I am and there is no needing to hide anything from anyone.

In the first place why do we need to read into people's mind ? Are you afraid to expose yourself ? So that you have to read into the others first ?

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