Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This year had been a year full of extremes and actions. I was blessed in many ways and also stress in many others too. I had alot of fears and also successes along the way too. Some recognitions as well as failures.

Professionally this year had been a year that tests me the most in my whole working life. But I am glad I survived, I have had many moments and now 2010 is going to be my year, intuition is telling me that.

Most of all in 2009, I get to see a lot of faces, those who constantly wear masks, those who are real. I mean when you are in good times or bad times you get to see a lot of people in different masks. And this is how we will remember who is who and which is which. Screening through and filtering out some.

This year I went to a few places, I re-visited these places whom I have been but after a long gap, I am back .. to Shanghai, Mataking, Phuket and Manado. Shanghai and Phuket was like hmmm ... at least 15 years ? SO many changes and these places are like brand new to me. Though once I frequent these places like my second home. Mataking is like 5 years and Manado, is only 6 years gap. Still it's new to me. I like returning to places I like, because when we visit a place either work or leisure we meet people, we see new things, new cultures and if we like the place, we want to be back for more. Thats exactly why I like to return, to see the warm and familiar faces again. And I also went to Taipei; a new place, new culture and new people. I will be back.

Of all the diving trips I have had, Lembeh Manado is the most satisfying. I saw so many critters that I normally need a year to see. Lembeh is still very rich with marine critters. Every dive is a surprise dive ! I must admit that I am disappointed with Mabul and Kapalai. They seems to lost the touch on me.

Early this year also see me having vegetarian diet until end of March (100 days). Being a vegetarian, is quite interesting. Its not actually so much of the food intake. In the initial stage, the first week of the diet. The mind is powerful that it keeps giving signals to my stomach that the meal just now is not enough and I will be hungry soon, no meat ! Its so wrong. Our body may not need meat to survive, just enough energy for us to move around. Healthier food consumption and also this year I stop taking beef. So next will be chicken. Also this is the first year I will go for vegetarian on every Dec, a small vow to remember Mom. And my plan will be in 10 years, I'll be a full vegetarian.

2009 also see a year that tests my perseverance the most in work when travel industry overall was affected by the financial crisis and H1N1 outbreak. I have to thank who ever is out there, giving me so much of courage to shoulder on. I am still around. I survived. We survived.

I also want to mentioned that a few people came into my life as a surprise. There is a couple that I dived with and I have never seen such a good underwater buddy before. And this reminds me of my buddy, who is now in Berlin living happily ever after, just like a fairy tale. This couple, they share almost everything that they see underwater. And I remember a British dive buddy once said ' to find a buddy underwater and on land is not easy' its true ... to find a compatible buddy both on land and under water is difficult. But when I saw them, it fills my heart to see that they share everything they see, pointing out to each other, showing what they see ! Perhaps its time for me to stop diving alone and find a buddy to share my thrills instead of with the divemaster 0_0

There is one more person I met in 2009 that had a deep profound impact on me. Its a sense of deja vu you may call it. I use to have this kind of deja vu with things, with scenes or places but not with a person. I went through some of this person's photos and a sudden sense of ' this face looks so familiar, have I seen it somewhere before' .. we have never met in this life I am 100% sure of this and when we met, just that one brief encounter of less then may be 20 sentences. But the feelings of closeness, I simply calls it 'click' just comes to me. I wasn't sure about what the other party feels. Never really tells me. But its kinda scary, somehow I guess we were related or our soul met in our past life. Or that we are really soulmate in past life. I don't know.

2009 overall gave me a lot of lessons and teachings. I think I am more spiritually enlightened then before and I have also learn to persevere better. An ex-superior and a friend once, offer me 2 words when I goes to her to complain about work; patience and perseverance. I guess its not only applies to work but to life as well. In every event, there is a process to follow, and never to jump the cue for any short cuts. We will just have to go back and start the process all over again if we do jump in.

I certainly hope 2010 will be my year and yours too; patience and perseverance.

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