Sunday, December 13, 2009

not a normal Sunday ...

This morning was not my usual Sunday morning. I was waken up by the unknown ‘force’ no alarm nothing, just woke up naturally though I slept just after midnight. Took a peep at the door and the sky is on the way to slowly lit up. The night before I was contemplating whether to wake up early for a morning walk or not, so I set my alarm at 7am for the walk to the village nearby.

But when I woke up, it was only 5:05 am. Wanted to go back to the warm bed since there is another 2 hour to the set alarm, but the temptation to see the sky brighten up is just too much to pass. So I quickly wash my face, didn’t even brush my teeth and out I go. The sky is blue and the first orangey light came through the sky.

And the walk down to the village of Makawedeh is not as quiet as I thought it is. Most residents, mostly the females / mom / housewife had woken up and are sweeping their gardens of leaves or rubbish. They are most surprise to see me the outsider Chinese looking female to come walking pass their house. Some wishes 'pagi' (morning) some return a surprise smile when I smile at them. I have no idea where I want to go but just to keep walking until the road ends. I walked pass the village, up the hill to the next village and ends in Kasawari Resort, another resort whom the owner, Khun Poo, I have known for quite some years now. And each time I met him in Bangkok, he never give up inviting me to his resort. And yet until today I have not been to his resort at all. Not even his liveaboard Aqua One which he had sold off since the first time he invites me his dive operation.

Though it is less then 4km (erm no to and fro is more then 4km) the early morning walk uphill’s and down steep slopes was refreshing, it allows me the chance to re-connect with reality and nature as well as being in the moment with myself. It’s always nice to be able to live in the moment. Only thing is it will only be whole and complete if I am living in the moment, walking with the soul that is a mate to mine. Then will it be whole and complete !

And I asked myself too, will that day comes soon in the near future ? I never know, you never know and no one ever knows except the universe, except the mighty one out there who keeps testing us, fine tuning our soul, preparing us every day every minute to be a better person.

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