Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Upholding the rule of law (religion ?)

I do not like to write anything politically influence, however recently reading the news about politician / victims of sodomy swearing on the Holy Quran that they are innocent makes me wonder whether the court will then take that they are really innocent !

Using religion to determine whether a person is wrong or right really takes us back to 'stone age'. Are we not rule by law ? Are we not practicing democracy and all citizens are bind by the court of law ? And innocent until proven guilty ?

It is too absurd, in my humble opinion, that using the religion to determine whether that person's is guilty or not. It has become a trend now that the ruling party is sorting to swearing in the Quran to get away with what they did. Does that prove anything at all in the court ? Well it could in the Syariah court, but we are talking of the court of LAW that is drafted by our Judicial team irregardless of race or religion !

It is very dangerous to mix religion and politic as it will mislead the party followers. We should be moving towards the new era and talking about globalizations rather then keeping ourself in the fight for Malay rights, Chinese, Indian nor Kadazan etc etc. We should be uniting in our fight for Malaysian in the global economy and business ! The world is moving ever faster ahead now, with female Prime Ministers, Chancellor, President taking over and sharing responsibility. With Prime Minister who are of another race ruling the country .. Alberto Fujimori in Fiji, Kevin Rudd who speaks fluent Mandarin, Obama who is black running for Presidency. 

The world is changing and evolving ... let's not get stuck in the Malaysia 50 years ago. Let's get moving in the present ! We have had our independent half a century ago yet we did not move fast enough to catch up on globalization.

Another reason why I felt the need to write is, I was having lunch today eavesdropping on the table behind me. These group of seniors was talking about National Day celebration, that its now less then a week to our National Day and there are NO mood of celebration at all. Unlike last year where lotsa of focus on unity and celebration everywhere. This year the ruling party is tooo focus in their effort of putting one particular person down that they forget about National Day !

This is sad, very sad politic and very desperate move to hang on to power ! However it will be determine today .. the by election in Permatang Pauh !

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