Monday, August 25, 2008

Feels like home

I was away for a few days without any ‘trace’ … I re-visited the place I used to work in 10 years ago as a Divemaster, the ever beautiful Perhentian Island; so much of sweet and fond memories brings me back through the time tunnels. Meeting up with old friends whom had crossed my path and touch my heart in a very special way. It reminds me how much change the place had gone through as well as the people themselves.

Every corner of the island every step I trace back was full of sentiments and memories. I went through some of the toughest test of physical challenge as well as the mental survival. My days spend in the island are only about fishes and more fishes. Making friends from all over the world as well as absorbing their experiences and making them into mine. Those days are spent only on physical aspects rather then mental.

Upon my departure from the island 10 years ago, I went through a lot of changes in my life and looking back, I have come a long way. I am not the person I am yesterday, I had grown to become wiser in my choices and I have certainly achieved what I have set forth when I first leave the island.

I set a vision of what I want to achieve and I had achieved that, when I came ‘ home’ two days back .. I knew this would not be the last time. I’ll be back again soon, I really miss the place a lot and who knows my 10 year plan of retiring could just be here !

Every human will had a time when we go sabbatical and taking a BIG break from our journey in this world to figure out and find back the pace. Perhentian literally means stopping or half way; this is the place where most fisherman upon return from the sea making a stop before they go back to the shore with their catches. It’s a stopping place. As with me, its also my stopping place to re-connect with my inner soul and to touch base.

Where is your base ? And how often you touch it ?


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