Saturday, August 9, 2008

The price of winning !

I was attending Nikki's (he is my so call favorite boy, Godson; my good friend's son; a brilliant and smart boy) sports day this afternoon. We were there to give him moral support, wearing GREEN, to compensate/replace Joe's place, me, Sarah and her niece, with Nikki's uncle Calvin, my biz partner. Its at an indoor stadium in Titiwangsa Lake, a place that is close to heart. I basically grow up there; outdoor sports, jogging and tennis. It certainly have changed alot, and better building though still the same courts :( poorly maintain.

Anyway the idea is not that, I wanted to talk about 2 things that bring close to my heart. The first, Joe was away in Singapore to attend a wedding (biz ? I think so). If Joe were here today he would see how great his boy is and would be there to give him ALL the support he needs. Nikki was sitting there waiting for his turn, but every now and then he would steal a glance at our direction seeking support and attention. So every time he looks, I will give me a high five on air or an OK sign or a BIG smile :).  These are the attention kids wants from adults during their growing stage. This very often, parent or parents fail to see it. Perhaps maybe I am the 3 rd party and will be able to see it more clearly from a different angle. But then again, this is also the biggest mistake some parents make, when they thought they have given their kids all their attention, some thought by providing materially is more then enough rather then physically or mentally. We adults always, always fail to see it from the kids perspecive. I  have 5 kids at home, 2 nephews and 3 nieces ranges from 2 - 15 yrs of age. They all have a separate mind of their own and different needs too. Very unique and very lovely kids. OK back to the sports day, at the end of the kid's games, the father n son game came in. Nikki wanted to play BUT who is he looking at ? Uncle Calvin of course ! But Uncle Calvin thought no I am not his father. But when I see Nikki taking up his hand basically begging to Uncle Calvin, both our hearts melt. Uncle Calvin goes to Nikki. His face lit up with joy .. YEAH ! 

Now the other thing I want to talk about is this particular Dad, it was a game for father and son, father and daughter ! So girl girl with daddy tie up. And when I was shooting Nikki and Uncle Calvin, I suddenly saw the little girl's SCARY face ! She was almost flying in the air ... the daddy is practically lifting her with one hand running all the way to grab the sand bag (try imagine your daddy's step and your step who would be the faster or bigger ?)  SHE.. obviously can't fly and landed on the floor .. sprawl ! She was crying and when I look at the daddy' face ... all I can see is determination to WIN ! The girl was crying and SHOCK ! but well of course the team won ..the RED team won the game. Well that is the price of winning at any expense ?

Congratulation ..  a win I would rather pass for the spirit of sportsmanship, this is not what I am being taught in school nor at the University of Life. I would pass without a second thought ! 

What is your price of winning ?

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