Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jiwa Kita Kosong

This phrase struck me just when I was doing some deep thinking just now. “ Our life is empty” literally translated from Malay. The story goes way back, I think may be 5 years ago, when I was traveling frequently between Bangkok and KL for business. I will normally take the limousine back from KLIA and the driver will always try to strike some conversations. But this particular driver, whom had actually notice me taking their limo service a few times, try his luck and struck a conversation as to not get sleepy while driving I guess or just wanted to be friendly. He keeps asking me questions, some personal one too. Anyway, and obviously being a guy he would be interested with my frequent traveling whether I have a husband or not. I say no, I am single and jokingly say no one wants me. Of course he tries to make it more lightheartedly that I am choosy with my capability I can choose anyone I want. But he did gave me a sentence that until today, still strikes me to the core !!! He was telling me he is married with kids and how his kids are. And he ends it with, I am not rich I barely survive with this job and the irregularity of working hours. But my life is whole and full that I  am a very happy man ! He then tells me to take care of my heart, if I do not then ‘Jiwa Kita Kosong’ my life will be empty; when I return home, I am alone ! what does materials success mean to me when my inner self is not whole and complete. What is a battle won without having someone to share your success ? It strikes very hard !

My life couldn’t be any fuller with new commitments in work, new experiences and blessed with so many good friends and family around, however it is still seeking to make it whole !


Jennifer Low said...

How amazingly true, Jenny.

I remember writing about this topic in one of my journals about a year ago. It was about a friend who just gained back his consciousness after a tragic accident. He, too, was someone with a good career, well paid job, and managed to get himself whatever he wanted except love...

He got into an argument with his family a couple of years before the tragic accident and were not in good terms ever since. But when the incident happened, his family still continued to stand by him and shower him with unconditional love despite all the things he have done to his family. From that experience, he learned to appreciate the people around him more and realized that love from family and friends are far more important than material success.

He even told me "You may be the richest person on Earth, but what's life like without trustable family and friends, really?"

Having said that, I feel that love from family and friends are really absurd. Money can never buy that and nothing can ever replace that.

Continue to search for that something or someone which/who will eventually make your life whole and I wish you all the best in that :)

pkh said...

If it is true that love can sometimes alleviate the pain in our heart, what do we do when love is the cause of the pain????

Zahir said...

Thank you for your comment gals. Love as I have said before, can be heavenly or hell. It is hard to define which is the right method or the best formula. And there is also never the ultimate winning recipe. To each of us we walk a difference path, how we walk is also different.

But ultimately it is how we must continue walking in finding that destiny which is meant to be. A life that is smooth sailing will be boring. Only a life that is full of adventure is worth venturing !

If love is the caused of the pain, well we should let our heart feel the pain and never deny our feelings ...we fall, we climb up so that when we finally find love again, we know how to truly treasure it fully.