Monday, August 11, 2008

Ambition and Destiny ?

Have you every think of your destiny ? I remember when I was young, this primary school teacher asks the whole class  about our ambition and then what is our destiny ? I know what I want to be but I don't know where my destiny is ! Then again I end up doing something that is totally out of my ambitious line, I wanted to be law enforcer; but as I grow I find that its not as what we see it to be and there are so much of imbalance in our local system. To start off with to get into the academy, there is a quota system from each race and once the quote is over for your race, you will have to wait for the next intake. I was like WHAT ? I never know such thing about race quota system. So forget about it I am not going to fight over this ridiculous quota. And I was in the merry go round as with all other teenagers just left school and not knowing where their passion is, hopping from one course to the other. Until I finally found deep passion in my current job. 

But then when my teacher talk about destiny, I really had no idea where I'll end up. As we walk in this path of life, we pick up dreams and drop off some emotions. Then we pick up again and drop off again, to finally reach our destination well polished and well trained. I am now walking, keep walking towards a blurry destiny which I think I can only see shadows of my destiny. Then again I know the direction and the course so I am not lost, yet ! I hope to be able to finish the journey where it is meant to be and having the universe guiding me, with patience and perseverance allowing me to learn the lesson one step at a time on the road to my destiny !


Jennifer Low said...

At times, you make decisions and you succeed, but there, too, are times where you make decisions and you fall flat on your face. And what's worse is, we have to experience that multiple times along the way, and sometimes repetitively.
Life is full of uncertainties, it's about taking risks, it's about your ability to stand up again, stand tall and firm, and continue walking towards your destiny :)

All the best in your endeavors!

Zahir said...

hmmm some how along the way there are people coming into our life, the story of reason, season and life !

pkh said...

Most decisions are made based on rational thoughts...but, what if it is irrational ideas that lead us to our destiny?

Zahir said...

irrational ideas will lead us to irrational destiny !