Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Upholding the rule of law (religion ?)

I do not like to write anything politically influence, however recently reading the news about politician / victims of sodomy swearing on the Holy Quran that they are innocent makes me wonder whether the court will then take that they are really innocent !

Using religion to determine whether a person is wrong or right really takes us back to 'stone age'. Are we not rule by law ? Are we not practicing democracy and all citizens are bind by the court of law ? And innocent until proven guilty ?

It is too absurd, in my humble opinion, that using the religion to determine whether that person's is guilty or not. It has become a trend now that the ruling party is sorting to swearing in the Quran to get away with what they did. Does that prove anything at all in the court ? Well it could in the Syariah court, but we are talking of the court of LAW that is drafted by our Judicial team irregardless of race or religion !

It is very dangerous to mix religion and politic as it will mislead the party followers. We should be moving towards the new era and talking about globalizations rather then keeping ourself in the fight for Malay rights, Chinese, Indian nor Kadazan etc etc. We should be uniting in our fight for Malaysian in the global economy and business ! The world is moving ever faster ahead now, with female Prime Ministers, Chancellor, President taking over and sharing responsibility. With Prime Minister who are of another race ruling the country .. Alberto Fujimori in Fiji, Kevin Rudd who speaks fluent Mandarin, Obama who is black running for Presidency. 

The world is changing and evolving ... let's not get stuck in the Malaysia 50 years ago. Let's get moving in the present ! We have had our independent half a century ago yet we did not move fast enough to catch up on globalization.

Another reason why I felt the need to write is, I was having lunch today eavesdropping on the table behind me. These group of seniors was talking about National Day celebration, that its now less then a week to our National Day and there are NO mood of celebration at all. Unlike last year where lotsa of focus on unity and celebration everywhere. This year the ruling party is tooo focus in their effort of putting one particular person down that they forget about National Day !

This is sad, very sad politic and very desperate move to hang on to power ! However it will be determine today .. the by election in Permatang Pauh !

Monday, August 25, 2008

Feels like home

I was away for a few days without any ‘trace’ … I re-visited the place I used to work in 10 years ago as a Divemaster, the ever beautiful Perhentian Island; so much of sweet and fond memories brings me back through the time tunnels. Meeting up with old friends whom had crossed my path and touch my heart in a very special way. It reminds me how much change the place had gone through as well as the people themselves.

Every corner of the island every step I trace back was full of sentiments and memories. I went through some of the toughest test of physical challenge as well as the mental survival. My days spend in the island are only about fishes and more fishes. Making friends from all over the world as well as absorbing their experiences and making them into mine. Those days are spent only on physical aspects rather then mental.

Upon my departure from the island 10 years ago, I went through a lot of changes in my life and looking back, I have come a long way. I am not the person I am yesterday, I had grown to become wiser in my choices and I have certainly achieved what I have set forth when I first leave the island.

I set a vision of what I want to achieve and I had achieved that, when I came ‘ home’ two days back .. I knew this would not be the last time. I’ll be back again soon, I really miss the place a lot and who knows my 10 year plan of retiring could just be here !

Every human will had a time when we go sabbatical and taking a BIG break from our journey in this world to figure out and find back the pace. Perhentian literally means stopping or half way; this is the place where most fisherman upon return from the sea making a stop before they go back to the shore with their catches. It’s a stopping place. As with me, its also my stopping place to re-connect with my inner soul and to touch base.

Where is your base ? And how often you touch it ?


Monday, August 18, 2008

a new life ...

On this date 18.08.08 a new life was added to our family tree, the arrival of beautiful baby boy, my 6th nephew, Kah Seng. Every time I see a new born, a new life comes into this beautiful taking a part in the universe, it always allows me to see that I was once so pure, so innocence, so soft, so white. We are born into zero pollution, nil nothing blank. It is how we the adults, parents will mold them, polish them, teach them, guide them and educate them to be obedient, smart or knowledgeable OR a spoil brats, infidel, dishonest, and lack of respect. 

It is us as adults, as parents who will determine how they will grow up to become. And it is the most important part of a person's life during childhood how they are behaving or what life they are going to lead on in their adulthood.

I am in no position to determine how each of the kids will be mold by their parents, all I hope is every parents will put their kids before them. However most parents nowadays in this every demanding, ever fast moving and ever talking of individualism, adults are putting their own needs ahead of their children ! This is sad, and this is growing fact. 

I have 6 kids now at home ranging from new born to teenagers of 15 years old, however none is mine :( but they are all lovely kids, pure and innocence. I do hope I am always there with them, being a part of their growing up. Sharing every moment of their life with them. To complement their parents duty as the enforcer, me will be the conspirator ;)

Recently I was in discussion with a group of friends talking about pride ! It strikes me instantly that children is the pride of their parents. Now that is if the parents guided their child to the right path and mold them to be a good and righteous human being with integrity otherwise it is their own shame at the same time. 

Are you taking time to talk to your kids using your heart ? or head ? by sharing love or anger ?
Did you teach them to express their feelings and not to let them feel surpress ?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

an examined life ?

I was reading at a forum that a friend started. And there was a thread about quotes that she recently added. She also posted a quote from Socrates " The unexamined life is not worth living'. So how many of us really do examine our life and make progressive adjustments to make it better ? 

Will you get your mind and thoughts together to make positive changes on your life when you are face with the many hurdles and test being thrown to you ? Or you just live it, let it pass and let life pass through you as well. I also read about a story of a man in Japan. He died in an empty building, only when the workers went in to clear the building for demolishing that they found his skeletal remains. No one knows who he is, where he comes from, who are his next of kins .. nothing. And the question here is how can anyone live without love from relatives and friends ? How can anyone live without having any 'identity' in this world ? Could he be just a passer by in this life, that he did not live in it ?

I would want to live a life that is full of roller coaster ride rather then just pass it. I welcome all the adversities that the universe throws to me, so that I pick up the lesson and move on to the next 'hell' ride.  I have only this life NOW to live, I will mourn but I will not let it pass. I will be very sad and depress when I am defeated, I will not deny it. I accept it as an encouragement for me to be better the next time around.

If we do not examine our own life, God will not do it for us. God will only award those who have the initiative to examine their own life.

The sea is alive when the wave are high, the sea is alive when the swells are chasing one after another, the sea is alive when the winds stirs up all the excitements ! The sea is Alive !

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mak Nyah, Katoy, Gay ...

I read this article in the paper today which triggers my left brain, its a very interesting topic and a very good question to start with, and I pick this question from the article. A transvestite asking 'Since Islam rejects people like me, may I leave Islam ?' 

Homosexuality either man or woman in any religion is not being accepted. If thats the case, then what religion is left for them who choose to live a life that is truth to their feelings, truth to themselves ? Societies keep derogate them and living them little space to move but into a dead end. Most would choose to swing either to the extreme left or extreme right. Only those who choose to live under the eyes of the world will be accepted, this is saddening.

This article talks about how some transvestite being deny working opportunities and force to the street to make ends meet. In every society, every corner of the world there are lotsa and lotsa such cases happening, not only to the man but as well as to the woman. In some western society which are more tolerance and acceptance of human rights, a person is allow to have domestic equality in partnering. Yet it is still not enough, I watch a movie that touches this ever sensitive issue. When 2 person of the same sex decided to spend their live together till death do us part. Its sooo wonderful isn't it when 2 souls found each other, BUT reality is ever so cruel when one party died. The other party is left with no what so ever rights over the other's properties, belongings,assets etc. Think of it, if you just want to keep that house that both of you had been spending 30 yrs together so that you can live in that memory though without the other's presence. Or you just want to keep that piece of sofa that both of you have been sitting all these year. You CAN'T, no law binds you to it ! And it will be given to the 'legal' next of kin which is not the soul mate. Isn't it sad to be deny such a right ? 

It is saddening that a person's right is deny when it is obvious that he/she is aware of his/her feelings. The bonding of 2 souls is such a wonderful experience that can only happen and to share this journey together, bonding in unison and caring for each other, is the ultimately triumphant destiny !

Why are society in so much of hatred and denial, biases towards same sex relationship when one person chooses to live in true and honesty ? 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

one moment ...

This moment, I was looking out at my window and saw that the moon almost full is lighting up the whole sky in the middle of the night and there is always this little star by the side of the moon lady. The outerspace is always ever so mysterious, but we must not also forget that the innerspace offer the same to us curious human.

I can be consider blessed numerous times again, to witness a lot of beautiful moments that nature and universe provides. One of my memorable moments is while driving up with one of my good friend, ‘matahari’ to the East Coast of Merang, it was just before midnight and I was on the wheels. We were on the old road before the highway was built, passing ‘kampungs’ and trunk road. Suddenly right infont of us … the moon is rising as if from the center of the road !! both our jaws drop … such a beautiful sight. The moon is full and bright yellowish .. with the kampungs on our left and right it adds to that MOMENT ! I slow down the speed to admire the MOMENT.

Then there is this one more moment that I will always remember .. in the island of Perhentian .. in less then 5 minutes the sky changed from bright to dark and darkness brings winds and wave, follow by storm from the horizons ! I was sitting in the restaurant of Sunset Bay Resort in Perhentian Kecil. The storm comes form the horizon .. it was another sight to behold ! Such power and rush of adrenalin .. winds blowing into my face and the sky is all dark !

And one of my best moment yet is when I was immerse in the innerspace, just me and  the seahorse, she too was looking at me as if we are trying to communicate to each other … it was total calmness and peaceful. No wonder I am so in love with the sea  getting connected to the creatures that lives in it and also loving it.

Well I can go on and on with so many moments that I have had with the universe, being in sync with and it never fails to let me see how beautiful it is ! I wake up everyday longing for more moments in my life and thanking that I am still able to share it with you and perhaps the mate that the soul had been searching for.

What is your moment with the universe ? How had it inspire you spiritually ?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ambition and Destiny ?

Have you every think of your destiny ? I remember when I was young, this primary school teacher asks the whole class  about our ambition and then what is our destiny ? I know what I want to be but I don't know where my destiny is ! Then again I end up doing something that is totally out of my ambitious line, I wanted to be law enforcer; but as I grow I find that its not as what we see it to be and there are so much of imbalance in our local system. To start off with to get into the academy, there is a quota system from each race and once the quote is over for your race, you will have to wait for the next intake. I was like WHAT ? I never know such thing about race quota system. So forget about it I am not going to fight over this ridiculous quota. And I was in the merry go round as with all other teenagers just left school and not knowing where their passion is, hopping from one course to the other. Until I finally found deep passion in my current job. 

But then when my teacher talk about destiny, I really had no idea where I'll end up. As we walk in this path of life, we pick up dreams and drop off some emotions. Then we pick up again and drop off again, to finally reach our destination well polished and well trained. I am now walking, keep walking towards a blurry destiny which I think I can only see shadows of my destiny. Then again I know the direction and the course so I am not lost, yet ! I hope to be able to finish the journey where it is meant to be and having the universe guiding me, with patience and perseverance allowing me to learn the lesson one step at a time on the road to my destiny !

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The price of winning !

I was attending Nikki's (he is my so call favorite boy, Godson; my good friend's son; a brilliant and smart boy) sports day this afternoon. We were there to give him moral support, wearing GREEN, to compensate/replace Joe's place, me, Sarah and her niece, with Nikki's uncle Calvin, my biz partner. Its at an indoor stadium in Titiwangsa Lake, a place that is close to heart. I basically grow up there; outdoor sports, jogging and tennis. It certainly have changed alot, and better building though still the same courts :( poorly maintain.

Anyway the idea is not that, I wanted to talk about 2 things that bring close to my heart. The first, Joe was away in Singapore to attend a wedding (biz ? I think so). If Joe were here today he would see how great his boy is and would be there to give him ALL the support he needs. Nikki was sitting there waiting for his turn, but every now and then he would steal a glance at our direction seeking support and attention. So every time he looks, I will give me a high five on air or an OK sign or a BIG smile :).  These are the attention kids wants from adults during their growing stage. This very often, parent or parents fail to see it. Perhaps maybe I am the 3 rd party and will be able to see it more clearly from a different angle. But then again, this is also the biggest mistake some parents make, when they thought they have given their kids all their attention, some thought by providing materially is more then enough rather then physically or mentally. We adults always, always fail to see it from the kids perspecive. I  have 5 kids at home, 2 nephews and 3 nieces ranges from 2 - 15 yrs of age. They all have a separate mind of their own and different needs too. Very unique and very lovely kids. OK back to the sports day, at the end of the kid's games, the father n son game came in. Nikki wanted to play BUT who is he looking at ? Uncle Calvin of course ! But Uncle Calvin thought no I am not his father. But when I see Nikki taking up his hand basically begging to Uncle Calvin, both our hearts melt. Uncle Calvin goes to Nikki. His face lit up with joy .. YEAH ! 

Now the other thing I want to talk about is this particular Dad, it was a game for father and son, father and daughter ! So girl girl with daddy tie up. And when I was shooting Nikki and Uncle Calvin, I suddenly saw the little girl's SCARY face ! She was almost flying in the air ... the daddy is practically lifting her with one hand running all the way to grab the sand bag (try imagine your daddy's step and your step who would be the faster or bigger ?)  SHE.. obviously can't fly and landed on the floor .. sprawl ! She was crying and when I look at the daddy' face ... all I can see is determination to WIN ! The girl was crying and SHOCK ! but well of course the team won ..the RED team won the game. Well that is the price of winning at any expense ?

Congratulation ..  a win I would rather pass for the spirit of sportsmanship, this is not what I am being taught in school nor at the University of Life. I would pass without a second thought ! 

What is your price of winning ?

Friday, August 8, 2008


Is there any significant to this numbers ? Every corner of the world today, especially the Chinese is doing something to mark this date in their life ! But do we need this as an excuse to do something special to our loved one ? Professing our love, marriage registration, doing something something .. well it is really a good gimmick for doing something BUT .. do we really need to have a certain date to do so ? 

Everyday is a good to shower our loved one with all the love we gather in us. Well for the Chinese who believe in the luck of the feng shui, some may not be able to enjoy the good omen of  08.08.08, your born sign or your date of birth may not be in line with this nos 08.08.08. It may clash, who knows. 

Every corner today I hear people talking about 888 .. especially at this time of the economy situation the more auspicious these nos are the better. Its a hope for better luck to come, but if we don't proactively works towards in getting more sales, how would the sales comes to you ?

So let me ask you what did you do on 07.07.07 or 06.06.06 does this date have something significant that happen to you ? Well this year perhaps will goes down the history and be remember as it is the Beijing Olympic. Otherwise, I think I will not be having any significant memory to last in my life.

So what about yours ? 

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Just when you think you are alone

Just when you think you are alone out there, shouldering all the pain and sorrows that had just bestow upon you by the universe in testing your patience and perseverance, YOU are not. You are never alone, there are many people out there who share the same feelings as you, or may be worse then you are. I was 'mourning' and my feelings are very low and moody, I saw a friend go online and since we have not chatted for a long time so I buzz her. She was a bit reluctant to share in the beginning but as we chat more, we both started to open up to each other. And hey, we then realize we are NOT alone ! So we comforted each other and encourages each other which I think is unique and amazing; judging from our age differences, our culture differences and our time differences ! She is half a globe away from me almost half my age :) and yet we can relate, I find it so amazing that we can share similarity in our feelings and our thoughts because we are human ! and we are all the same irregardless of age, race or gender.

And every so often when we are in trouble or facing problem we almost instantly and quickly go for plan B. Quick quick move away, what is the fastest way to get out of this situation and move on ! Don't stay .. get on ! move it ! But we always forget to let things sink before we stir it up again. WE have never let our feelings sink in and let it recover before we move on. We hop from one to another almost instantly ! Well I am talking about our feelings, just when we think we are hit we make all sorts of plan to get out as fast as possible, we are wrong. Or even immerse ourself in other things to runaway from it, is also not the best way either. 

We should face it, let is sink, let the feelings sink in and address the pain. Yes, it is painful, agree to it, accept it. Yes, we are in sorrow and mourning, admit it, let the heart mourn ! Do not deny the loss. 

It is when we have gone through these phases that will we have truly feel and live ! Only when we come out of it will we know the sweetness of victory and triumphant over the loss and rise above it !

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jiwa Kita Kosong

This phrase struck me just when I was doing some deep thinking just now. “ Our life is empty” literally translated from Malay. The story goes way back, I think may be 5 years ago, when I was traveling frequently between Bangkok and KL for business. I will normally take the limousine back from KLIA and the driver will always try to strike some conversations. But this particular driver, whom had actually notice me taking their limo service a few times, try his luck and struck a conversation as to not get sleepy while driving I guess or just wanted to be friendly. He keeps asking me questions, some personal one too. Anyway, and obviously being a guy he would be interested with my frequent traveling whether I have a husband or not. I say no, I am single and jokingly say no one wants me. Of course he tries to make it more lightheartedly that I am choosy with my capability I can choose anyone I want. But he did gave me a sentence that until today, still strikes me to the core !!! He was telling me he is married with kids and how his kids are. And he ends it with, I am not rich I barely survive with this job and the irregularity of working hours. But my life is whole and full that I  am a very happy man ! He then tells me to take care of my heart, if I do not then ‘Jiwa Kita Kosong’ my life will be empty; when I return home, I am alone ! what does materials success mean to me when my inner self is not whole and complete. What is a battle won without having someone to share your success ? It strikes very hard !

My life couldn’t be any fuller with new commitments in work, new experiences and blessed with so many good friends and family around, however it is still seeking to make it whole !

Monday, August 4, 2008

some moments ...

I have no idea what to write, so I would like to share some moments with you ....

The water lily is ever so pure ...

Candle lights give us hope and faith ....

The brutal mass killing of human as if they are worst then animals ....

The serene and majestic tea plantation in the early morning ....

The framily and extended members .... 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Present

Every so often I find myself living in the past. the past give me too much of memories that are good and bad. Most people joining me in this journey, always reminiscing the past rather then living in the present. Making the biggest mistake in living that we do not put our focus in the present. By living in the past, we neglect our loved ones and not seeing the chance in the present.

I am definitely one of them, every so often I think of the past and very reluctant to let it pass. Then again the past allows us to see who we are today and which area we should improve ourself in. I have seen around me that many people are bitter and every so reluctant to leave the past. Leaving the past and moving to the present provides uncertainty, people are afraid to move on. Still hanging in there for that little hope that things will come our way if we hang in there a little longer.

But by living in the present, we move beyond the past which will brings us a better situation by living in the now ! Living in the present, we deal with the now and by using our lesson learn from the pass we make it a better now. And by living in the present we plan for our future !

How amazing life is providing us with, so many periodic phases, the past, the present and the future ! We cannot be living in the future as we never knows where from here will leads to next ! Every minute every day changes ahead of us. There are so many possibilities that we can never predicts.

So for me, I decided that from now on I must live in the present, always keep reminding myself there are things to deal with in the present and .. hey wake UP ! its now !