Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I was being tested again, faith or fate ? It is always this way, just when we lose our faith and hope, just when we want to give up and thought that we would have lost the battle, opportunity arises and change the whole game plan thus giving us back our faith, reminds us that all is not lost yet.

All the great man that live before us, Edison, Emerson, Wright brothers, Bell had never give up even when fate are against them. All that is in their mind, just one more time, one last time ! Keeping the faith in their heart and mind all the time. Isn't life suppose to be such ? Just when you think its time to throw the towel, just when you want to give up and call it a day ! Just when you say to yourself 'Thats it". But it never were to be, for those of you who are always a warrior, always charging and always full of hope and courage. It is just always too soon to quit.

I was being reminder of my faith recently when I almost give up and throw the towel. I surrender my fate to the universe, I have no more ideas of what's next. I have consumed up all my energy and my brain cells to plan for the best strategy, to visions the outcome of the fight. I can't I was totally blocked for a moment ! I guess some times when we want to fight so hard to win a battle we forget that the result is beyond our control and that we should always keep our faith ! By having faith in what we do .. we keep the hope alive ! We keep going keep moving. As the archer would do, when he has lost the confidence he would pick up his bow and arrow again, focus and strike one more time, again and again until the arrows hits the bulleye !

In this trying times of economy down turn and slow moving market, everyone of us are constantly being test on our faith and hope, I just hope that you too will stay around and keep the faith in your heart and remember that at the end of the tunnel, there is light !

Just hang in there ! Just as I am ...

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