Saturday, July 19, 2008

Baby turtle in captivity

I was trying to find a topic to write today, and just as I was to relax after having a day full of activities with 5 kids;  a friend called, G called to tell me to switch to a local Tv program Majalah 3. She said switch it, switch it ... watch it NOW.  I switched and to my horror (jaw drop), 6 juvenile turtles are being transfer from the city, KLCC Aquaria  to the island of Redang by plane for release, after being hatch and kept in aquarium (i called it captivity) for 2 years. They have to endure the stress of being transported from the city to the airport, then to the turtle hatchery centre. WHY ? Why aren't they being hatch in the hatchery in the first place ??? !!

I have never agree to any kind of animal in captivity, no matter how close we model the forest/habitat it is still in captivity. Animals are being that needs freedom to loom anywhere they like in the forest. Be it the rain forest or underwater forest. They belong to their natural habitat. 

These 6 turtles are being raise/kept in the aquarium for 2 years, I doubt of how many eggs it was hatch from ? 100 ? 200 ? or more ? They are being fed, not the natural way of finding food in the open sea. And upon their release in the Malaysian waters, I really doubt how they are going to survive in the open sea without any MEAN of finding food. NO natural SURVIVAL skill AT ALL. And they are already 2 years old now ! Are they going to re retarded kids in the ocean ???? !!!

These turtles should be hatch and raise in their natural habitats ie the beach and sea rather then in the aquarium in Kuala Lumpur , the capital city of Malaysia ! Let them be hatch and release to the sea or raise by the sea side instead in the aquarium !! 

Do Nemo belong to the aquarium or Nemo should be with dad in the ocean ?

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