Thursday, July 17, 2008


I was reading an article on one of our MP in Parliment today, about a homosexual conduct by an apposition leader. I start to question what is our tolerant level in the community. We see that the world is moving ever faster ahead and we keep talking about reformations, talking about equal right for woman and man, human rights etc etc. BUT when issue of homosexual rises, we still see that IT is being attack.

Worldwide, it is getting more and more tolerated as a choice, an individual choice to live the life they want it to be and NOT in the eyes of the world. We as individual being called human, have the ability to think and act our way. As long as we do not do bad upon a fellow human, we did not disturb the peace of the community, we do no harm to the world; why are we not left alone to live our lives as we want it to be ?

Do you live in the eyes of the world ?

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