Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I was reading this blog of a new friend whom I have met not too long ago yet I felt close to her and share some of her deep and profound thoughts. She has gone through the darkest of emotions and survive to tell me a very touching experience. Only those who have been there will know how it feels like when they come out of it, rise above the occasion ! 

She had this line borrow somewhere, and it does makes me think for a few minutes too (as it did to her) " Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are only an option in theirs. " I do not agree with this tag line. Love is always better then hate. Love knows no boundaries. Though the other person takes me as an option, I will only have fate to blame but I have no regrets on my side. I have live my  love life to the fullest, what is more happier to see that person I love, happy and smiling all the time ? What makes your heart smile ? To love a person unconditionally is the hardest to do and the easiest to say. In a relationship, one will love more then the other , and I always agree that its never equal.. but it could go as near as 45 - 55 but never 50-50. 

Putting that person in your top priority list is not a wrong thing to do,  this will makes you who you are and what your heart feels. It is by giving our all out that our heart will be whole, its only when we fear that we protect our heart and not give fully. It is by loving this way that we did not resent and give our all.

If we put our love as an option then what is love ? That love is an option ? That we are not suppose to love fully ? Love should not have boundaries, no limitations. Love to me should be great and full ! Love should make us whole and not have any restriction. we should go ALL out to love who we seek to give our heart to. Loving this way, putting that person in priority, will make us whole when we know that the first time we see this person it has already make us full !

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