Tuesday, March 16, 2010

another journey ....

Through out my career I have had many journeys, some to new destinations some re-visiting. Every journey have its own lesson in it. Just 6 days back, I started another. My planned journey, Jakarta, Labuan Bajo (Komodo Island) and Bali. And who I'll be meeting is not known. Meeting new people that's for sure, new experience with a group of 16 - 20 people that's for sure. And having a room mate that I don't know who will be another experience.

When I start my journey last Thursday, my mind was all over; on the extra baggage that I need to carry for Mr Sim, on the people that I will meet at the show, on how to capture more sales. But the moment I am in the departure hall, all these flies away; I told myself to open up for what may come, and allow it the freedom to flow in.

I was glad that this time the group of buyers are more friendlier then the last, mainly I think is because most of us are from Asia, I mean residing in Asia as there are 3 white men which resides in Thailand and Taiwan. So they are more or less adapted to the Asia culture. We share quite a lot of jokes, and particularly one Eddie the joker from Taiwan who is also a 2nd time buyer. He did not give me a good impression last year when I misjudge him, thinking he is here more of a seller rather then a buyer.. Anyway, when our flight from Jakarta to Bali was cancel and made us waited for more then 4 hours for another flight; we had the chance to really slow down and get into some light hearted chats and sharing of experiences. Eddie allows me to see a different side of him or put it that I see another side of Eddie when he was talking about his daughter the precious. He and his wife had been trying for years and due to the fact the his wife is a diabetic makes it even more precious that she is finally born healthy and safe. I can see in his eyes the joy of being whole and complete !! This is Eddie ..

And during this trip, I share room. I was thinking to share or stay single. I have never share room for quite some time now as I was so use to travelling alone and being alone. So I decided to just share ...

And on the first day, as we arrive from various countries of destinations in my list my room mate is a Korean. You know the idea of like how she looks like, is she fun to be with or the snobbish type bla bla bla. And she arrive quite late after we had dinner and I went back to the room, check mails etc ... she came in about 10:30 pm I lock the door so she was taken aback and I open the door for her ! tadaaaa ..... a young girl ? hahahahaha .... and quite fun too ! but being a Korean she does act like one. Anyway Colleen was fun and chatty, but I think she is fresh hence she just maintain her distance on conversation with the rest.  Colleen ....

During our 3rd day on the 13th we were suppose to fly to Denpasar Bali to connect to Labuan Bajo Komodo. However as fate may have it that our flight to Bali was cancel and everything just suddenly turn upside down. All schedule went havoc ... shuttling between terminal 2 & 3, missing 2 members, and waited for 4 hours (we woke up at 2:45 am) for our 7am flight. So much possibilities and uncertainties, we may overnight in Bali, we not end up in Komodo at ALL ! However I leave it to the universe if I am destine to be in Bali or fated to stay in Jayakarta ! The group was so upset when knowing the possibility that they may not end up in Komodo. But fate or some may call it God, I would just say the universe always have a way of its own. It is a blessing that I don't have to overnight on the boat .. so funny ;p

Sometimes if we really allow things to just flow in and not forcing or expecting too much what we will get in return will be much more then we expect. I am more enlighten after this journey as it took us 12 hours from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo when we should be there in 5 hours !! Just let it unfold when you know you have done your best ...

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