Thursday, November 12, 2009


Do you believe in karma ? What goes around comes around if not in this life perhaps it will in your next life, one day it will comes back. All religion teaches us about this, so that ALL of us will do good. But sometimes it is beyond our control that we do unto another soul something bad, or hurt someone indirectly.

It is funny how all religion in this world keep reminding everyone of us to be good and act good, but all these teachings and messages are always mend to be ignore and broken. Many goes against what is being taught and did most the opposite.

Now I am not going to touch on this topic. What I want to talk about is how funny the world is that it has a way of its own in writing a story. Karma connects all of us, we are all tied up in a string, I just watched CSI last night where Crimson talk about the String theory. Every object human or otherwise are tie to a string, and all are inter-related, everyone of us are inter-related, one leads to the other.

I met someone recently and we have less then may be 20 sentences in total of chat time in 5 days ? But the feelings is like we have known each other through a strange feeling, its not that we physically know each other before but may be our soul known each other from a different life. I went through her facebook and I saw a picture of her that makes me feel like I have seen this face before, its familiar ! Its strange and it feels like we have come a long way. Then again I know nothing much about her judging from our few sentences of mere greetings rather then a real conversation.

This again, makes me ponder about the topic of soulmate I have just finished on a book by Coelho; soulmate when met in next life can instantly felt a closeness of each other but may not be united in this world as each have evolved, may be one have found a new soul mate and keep evolving. But somehow the feeling of closeness is there. And instantly you know that this person you can trust fully, that you can be safe with this person. And you can instantly connects.

Have this ever happens to you before ? You meet someone and you have a strange feeling of that person and its really like you have known each other from somewhere. But yet this life you know nothing about that person at all until now.

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