Tuesday, October 7, 2008

who are you ? who am I ?

I was reading this article about McCain asking ' Who is Obama ?' 

Well precisely, who are WE ? Who are YOU ? who am I ? Have we ask this question before ? I guess we ask it everyday, who is so and so; he is so good looking, he is so rich, she is so beautiful, she is so smart. But have we truly ask who that person 'is' ? 

A lot of times we allow people to see who we are from the skin but carefully covering our other side, protecting our true self and our true feelings, from what ? from fear, from the potential of being hurt ? From being tag as a softy when we should be a toughie, our elders teach us to be tough in facing the world. But they always forget that by ignoring the true self we are denying ourself, who we are. When we deny our true feelings and face the world, we are not living.

I recently read Osho's comments about selfishness. We are thought to be unselfish when we are young, to be kind and giving. But it is true what Osho says about selfishness, FIRST we must think of ourself so that we know how it is to give, and to be kind to others. If we do not know how to care for ourself how do know to care for others ? Most often people only think about being unselfish as in order to give, but do we know what we want ? Or do we actually learn who we are ? before we start giving out wrongly.

I have been through some changes in my life for the past few years. I am sure everyone did, its a phase in life that everyone is thrown lesson about life. I think only about the other side/party instead of what I want, who I am. Which is not right, which does not address the core of being, indeed it ended that I creates more resentments in me. One must understand oneself in order to give, and not to give blindly. To know ourself and seek what is best for ourself IS NOT being selfish. It is essential to know who we are so that we know how to deal with others, it is important that we must know / love ourself in order to spread love. If we are not sure who we are, then how are we going to spread the message to others ? Everything comes from one CORE, the center of YOU ...  not your navel .. but your HEART !

who are you ?

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