Monday, October 20, 2008

Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious mind whether you believe it exist or not, is there ! It occasionally, often happens to me that when I did something, I told myself ‘ Hey wasn’t this I wanted to do sometime back when I was younger’. A LOT of times .. this kinda comments come right into my mind. And I always brush it off/ away, until I read this book call ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’. It is so true that our mind so ever powerful that what we wanted is planted in a corner of our brain and that it is constantly working for us without our knowledge. I am realizing that things are happening to me. Things that I have had once thought of going or doing either when I was a girl or some random thoughts that had some significance to me, its beginning to come true one by one. And our mind is really that powerful. I am sure most of you would have read about the power of the ‘The Secret’. What is written in that book is also correct, what is wants is attracted to us by our thoughts. A man (here I refer to mankind, and not being gender biased) is what he thinks.

Our mind are so powerful that when we are is the right frequency it can be so deadly. Our focus is total into making it being, making it real, making comes true. When we are in the right mind, no obstacle is able to stop us. When one is determine to win over, the mind will signal out will to keep going. When we are thinking of achieving, our mind has only achievement to think of.

Our mind, always work on what we have think either consciously or sub consciously without our realising that we are signaling out to the universe. And some of you may not realize that its happening. But the experience accumulates, you will realize what I have encounter before ‘ hey this . isn’t this is what I wanted to do when I was younger ? ‘ Trust me, you can say its spiritual but its true. Your mind is that powerful !

Have you ever had that experience before ? This thing that you are doing, is something that you wanted to do sometime back and you are doing it NOW ! I had, I wanted to visit Komodo Island when I read through a magazine introducing Flores Islands in Indonesia and I told myself how nice if I can visit these islands. And now I think after may be 15 years, I am going to Komodo Island in 2 weeks time. Also I have come across Christmas Island, almost the same time, AND guess what if all things goes well, I will be in Christmas Island in one and half month’s time.

IS this the power of the sub conscious mind ? 

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