Monday, September 29, 2008

A mix mind.. loss, cheating and compassion

I am again looking for a topic to write. Actually a few came up as I idle along the path, too many things in mind…  all mix up ! have no direction, have no focus, can’t concentrate. It’s floating, its drifting. So I  just go along as it comes, being in a state of confusion. Some wise man says “ Confusion is a wonderful state before clarity “ I say just let it be, no forcing of what comes next. The universe will let it unfold when the time is right. All we need is just prepare our self to the ecstasy that comes.

I did thought about talking on loss, a TV clip about Sichuan survivor makes my heart ache when I saw this old lady survive the quake with all her relative, children, may be grandchildren loss in this heart wrenching disaster. Living old age without any close one by your side, the trauma of surviving .. I am thinking what is she feeling now ?

And the other topic I want to talk about is con / cheat …. I am wondering when these conman carry out their act do they have in mind that what goes around comes around, or they are totally blinded by what happens next that they care only what happens NOW ! The victim lose only money BUT they are truth to themselves, oh no the ‘victim’ I should say is the perpetrator whom had loss their ‘self’ when they carry out their act. They lose their identity and dignity !

It took me a few days to come up with this post, I was having a struggle in me trying to absorb so many feelings and thoughts all at once. Ever since started this blog I became aware of my surroundings and hence I am absorbing everything good and bad. It is soooo hard to digest everything all at the same time. Guess this is part of the urban disease that we try to be everywhere doing everything and very so often forgetting to be just HERE ! Right at the moment digest and absorb what is NOW ! We hurry with life, hurry with conclusion to things happening around us, hurry with traffic, hurry with everything that’s going on !

And when all these happens, I was reading this book by Osho about compassion, hence I quote ‘When passion becomes alert and aware, the whole energy of love comes a refinement, it becomes compassion’ Compassion is love comes of age. 

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