Friday, October 31, 2008

Subconscious mind II

I was talking about subconscious mind earlier, about my going to Komodo Island. Well again you can call it the universe is conspiring to make things happen for me just when I leave it to the universe to do so. I have always wanted an underwater camera. But have not the chance or financial stability to do so. I guess by now I have started to push myself too hard or pulling the rubber band too tight. I am allowing things to evolve one by one. I had done sooo much things and wanted soo much things to work out the way I WANT it to be. But there are times, many times that we cannot force it to happen.

I am not saying I give up, I am still doing it, Keeping myself moving I did not OR will not stop doing what I am doing. Never, but I come to learn about worrying less of the outcome rather enjoy the process and let is evolve and unveil the results. I take every outcome in peace and accepts every failures that is bestow upon me. Again I will come back but in other ways that I will get back what is belong to me. I will not give up, I will come back.

My subconscious mind had been working hard on this part to keep me moving. Keep me going, I always believe that what happens NOW is what I have ask for earlier, much earlier on. The will is strong and the message of wanting is also strong. I still remember a friend once says, that million dollar is not here yet may be because now you are not ready for it ! It will be here for you when you are ready. I agree totally with him. We are preparing ourself for the next chapter, for what is to come next. 

Its making me feeling more and more spiritual when I realize what is happening around me. This is awakening to me and its really feeling nice. Believing, having faith and keeping hope ! 

Are you experiencing the same as me ? Have you encounter such ? Without your efforts in working for that thing to happens, it just happens !

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