Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lesson on love

A lesson of love from a child …

I read an email from a friend about love from the child’s point of view. Some of it makes me laugh at their innocent, some makes me stop and think but one particular one makes me eyes teary.

‘An old neighbor just lost his companion and he was sitting on his porch crying, the lil boy climb over the fence and sit on his lap. And when he returns home mum ask him what did he say to the old man. I did not, I only help him to cry.’

Sometimes words are not needed, by just being there our action speaks louder then anything. Our presence is the best love that can be.

A lot of times we thought by having beautiful words we can help to make the situation better BUT most the times all we need to do is just by being there !

This also reflects the purity and honesty of the child we once are. Before we are being tainted by the moving world, before we are being influence by the community that we live in. I notice that life’s journey is all about returning to where we are, where we once starts from. The ultimate destination is back to where we come from; the origin of where we are once ... pure and honest, no pollution of what so ever form the world outside. As we grow we are being thought to protect our selves, learn ways to treat people (good or bad). As we grow we become more and more tainted as more and more acids being thrown into our mind when we are being challenge.

Somehow when we grow older and realize that we have reach our 'peak', the universe will tells us that we are tainted and it's time we start our journey of discovery back to where we come from. And by this return journey we have completed our duty of learning and picking up lessons along the way. For those who have not learn the lessons, then the next life is waiting ... for your return to continue learning. I totally believe in re-birth and karma, what goes around comes around. This is the way of life and the way universe do things.

What is your lesson in love ? 

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