Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Darkest period.. rock bottom ?

In every one of our lives, we will go through ups and downs, a roller coaster ride, the yo yo effects, the cycle of life; however mean you wish to call the journey. In this journey at some moment, we will go on sabbatical, silent retreat to enlighten their spiritual and find the other meaning of life that we thought we are living in until things start to fall apart or fall out. Its when we believe so much in but never turn out the way we want it to be, our believe and faith shaken, our vision turns a little blurring. This is when we lose our focus and caught off guard, rolling down hill.

I too was there before, the period on silent retreat was the lowest in one's life. The universe continuously run tests on your will power, on your inner strength, on your perseverance and patience in carrying on. One must always tell ourself that its always too soon to quit, we must carry on the journey even though the path is of muddy and full of rocks when we are walking on bare feet. Soon it will be over. And one will know it when it is over, the universe will gives you hint that the climb is in front and its once again to put our concentration on the wheel and steer our way to the top. 

The rock bottom is for us to hit so that when we rise, we know how it is to be once down there. In order to know how sweetness taste, we must first know what sour means. In order to know how it feels to be love, we must first learn how to love ! There is always a true cycle on effects, the cause of effects. How do you know sadness if you have not been to happiness ? How do we know this sweet if there is no sour ? Vice versa ... this is what I believe in, the Karma. There is always this saying what goes around comes around. As in life, we will also goes through ALL the ups and downs the universe is charting for us, it doesn't matter that we start early or late it will be lessons and courses along the way. We will have our times in our lives, be it the peak or the valley ! We may hit the peak at 20 and drop to the valley by 30, or we may only hit the peak at 50 and lead a suffering life when we are 60. The curve is there, it is out karma that will determine the sharpness of the turn point.

To hit the rock bottom, everyone once in our lifetime, I believe, will goes through it at least once. If not then life is boring ! It's monotonous, its just too plain smooth to live in. No lessons learn, no new experience to share, no wisdom growth, no compassion learn. Dull !

Only those who have fail greatly will achieved greatly, I do not need to repeat the many times Eisntein, Ford or the many other inventors that had failed the first second or hundreadth times in order to achieve greatly in the history of invention. So does Walt Disney who have gone through bankruptcy to become a legend himself. They know what it is like to fail greatly ! And what the feelings are to achieve greatly too.

A person will treasure the sweet success more for she/he who had been there knows how it feels like !

Where are you now ?

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