Saturday, September 6, 2008

Protection ?

I was having my lunch at my favorite local stall one afternoon. There comes a couple, I assume as they are sharing food though they certainly don't look like a couple to me, by the way their body language says. Anyway thats not the point I am going to talk about.

Well I know I shouldn't be eaves dropping but they are sharing the table with me since I am alone. They are talking about this mantra/chakra which a friend accidently put into the washing machine and that whether the chakra still have 'power'. The guy was saying as long as it's laminated and not wet, it should be ok. Just goto a place or temples where there are praying take it out and it should have the power back ?

Do we need this for protections when the most and fiercest thing to fear is HUMAN them self ? What is more fearful when you are sleeping with the enemy ? What is more fearful when you are being betray by the most trusted person ? How do you protect yourself from these ?

When the world is moving into a global crisis ? how do we get ourself protected ? When we are in depression is there any method to protect us ? When our heart are broken is there any chakra to meant a broken heart ?

Protections of such like the amulets of Thailand, catukham can fetch to thousand of dollars, of course I cannot question the power of this religious symbols. Then again, how many people have been cheated to get a false catukham ? Often at times, we are being drawn to protective amulets and mantras to keep the evils away from us. But how many times have we really look into our self that the evil is within us ? Our thoughts, our actions and our feelings ... is it from the purest and most sincere of our core ? Are we being REAL to the external surrounding ? I always believe what goes around comes around, life is after all a huge cycle !

What are you wearing to protect yourself ? I wear my heart with me all the time !

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