Monday, September 8, 2008


It was highlighted in the paper recently that a women aged 22 was detained 11 months for failure to show proof of citizenship after she lost her ID card. She was 6 months pregnant then and recently she was release with her infant boy in tow after a nurse take pity on her and report her case to the local Youth group leader who then took up the case and pursue to trace her background and help her seek the overdue release she so much deserve as a citizen of this country !

I am sure there are many such cases happening in every corner of the world. Just that it bothers me, 2 things come into my mind; how could anyone forgot her/his ID no ? And why wouldn't anyone care to find out or investigate who she is ?

I am trying to figure out why did the woman, not bother to even remember her own ID ? Is it that she had more better things to fill her mind with; such as money to buy food, a roof to cover her body and soul, or a husband to take care of her needs. How could she have just gone missing without anyone's knowledge ? Family, friends, relatives ? The past 11 months, she just pass through life and no one ever knew of her existence, her whereabout .. she is just like a ghost or spirit that does not exist at all. No one would care or take notice to look for a missing friend/relative/daughter/sister/ who is 6 months pregnant. 

It is sad that the authority did not even bother to investigate nor care to find out if this person is really a citizen or otherwise. Is the immigration officer so hands full ? Or this is one of the many thousand cases of illegals in the country that is meeting dead end solutions ? This is truly sad that such cases happen, especially more so for the kids who are neither here nor there, without any citizenship if the parents are alien !

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