Sunday, June 7, 2009

Time to talk and a time to be silence

I am still absorbing the quote of Abraham Lincoln "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt".

It is certainly very true that sometimes we just need to shut off and let things be rather then to keep explaining and arguing profusely about what should be, what has to be or what need to be. Why we act this way and not that way, why one way and not the other way. Putting the fire off with water is better then with liquid that is highly inflammable. To fend off fire with wood is not the best way nor the earth can help much. It is also better to walk off and come back again when the heat had cool down and tension is not boiling.

And it is also not the idea to be engaging in discussion that is elusive and non productive; this way it will certainly make the intelligent become less intelligent ! We talk to let the other party know how we feel, how we react to the comment. But sometimes its just useless to talk as there in no way we can change or clear the doubt at all.

Being silence is it the best way or otherwise ? Keeping mum about an issue will repress our feelings, if the issue is not address it will grow within. It will create a chain reaction to what happens next when we are unable to control ourself and explode.

Its is always an ever complex matter how we should deal with a situation to the best of our ability. Then again there is also no best way or method to deal with the situation. It is our conscience at that moment with our intuition what is the best way to handle the situation. What happens after will only shows how best we have learned from the past in dealing with the current.

What have you learn from the past in dealing with the current ?

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