Friday, June 19, 2009

So long as you do not stop ...

Another day off the norm routine, I was away in our Rasa offce attending to some legal matters. It is a nice break away from the normal routine office in KL. The city is getting a bit too overly crowded for me and I truly need to get out. As well as NO internet connection, being not connected to the net for a day truly allows me to think. To strategise my plans and my life.

Things are truly falling in slowly as well as surfacing one by one for me to deal with. I have taken too long to accept and act. Hoping and waiting for miracle which sometimes will be delay indefinitely. And while it is delay, what should I do ? The so call 'day dreaming' rather the actual dreaming.

Confucius says ' It doesn't matter that you move slowly, so long as you do not stop'. The moral of the lesson is that we never give up on ourselves, so long as we still are able to live and continue living, the end is not there yet. I also recently watch series preview of a travel show; the host mentioned something that is very inspiring. “What you lost you can find back right ? So if you can find back, then why do you worry ?” He is refering to money and success, so long as we are still alive and kicking, we still have the chance to do it again. One should never stop, never gives up its not the end yet ! The most important obstacle is in us, our pride, ourself; how we take failure and accept defeat ! Not everyone is able to and not everyone can.

Every so often we see people who takes up the risk, stepping out of their comfort zone to pursue a dream, a dream that may be crazy or a dream that may be idealistic. And most often the path to every dream is going to be an uphill task, whether the path is a 90 degree or 45 degree in steepness is up to the universe to decide. All we have to do is to pay every attention to focusing on the task of manouevering the twists and turns to keep the journey going. And when the journey gets tough, we need to take a break, referesh our mind and continue. Some path may need to go down the valley in order to reach the next peak. This is what makes the journey interesting rather then only uphills, by going dowhills we will be abe to see a different view of the hill, a much wider pictures from the bottom so that we we are the peak, we know how it is to be at the bottom. To treasure and value where we are, how we reach the top.

Chinese saying ' By keeping the forest, you don't have to worry there's no wood for fire'. It is not the end yet if you know you are still breathing now ! I have always know that my life is so full of obstacle, be it work, career, finance or love. But I always believe that I am here with a purpose, the universe have plans for me.

So long as I do not stop ..

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