Friday, June 12, 2009

Crazy ?

Wacko, psyco path, mental disturbance, crazy, mental illness, any defintions to the situation that is being refer to when a person crossed the line between real and unreal, into the other moment.

Its just a very thin fine line, to cross or not to cross. Our daily life, peer pressures, society pressures plays a vital role in where we will end up, how we will end up. Those who are not strong mentally and always living in the eyes of the world, will give in. Give in to what they think the world would approve of it. And lose themselves in the process !

A lot of us are being thrown into the world without much knowledge and capability to determine which is which.We pick up some lesson along the way, fail some pass some, repeats most the time, going merry go round. In the more civilise and develop countries, society changes, advancing its citizen to have a mind of their own, being allow to independently determine and live the lives they choose. However in more reserve and conservative societies it is not up to the individual to decide who they want to be rather then what the society approve them to be.

I would like to take an issue for example, being gay or homosexual. This has been an issue that will surpasses race or gender. People can now accept a color person to take office, a woman to lead, but may not be approving of a gay relationship. Civil rights, legalisation of partnership, rights to adoptions, many more benefits that a heterosexual couple could enjoy are being deny a gay couple (even the word homosexual already trigger a red alarm in the mind of the society).

We hear a lot of times that religion do not approve of gay relationship, same sex is against the nature, God will punish etc etc etc. I am just curious, being gay does not mean that that person in doing sin, that the person is not religious, that he/she do not have faith. And it is certainly NOT a disease. But why would society gives so much pressures to this group of minority ? Can anyone shed a light on me, enlighten me please !

Now back to being label as crazy or having mental illness, is an external factor more of an internal factor, IMHO. Our community is ever so judgemental of how we come out, how we carry ourself. BUT have society really think of what is in the mind of that person ? Do we really give that person a chance to be who he/she wants ? Every one of us come into this world with a role to play, if we deny this right to any single human, we are worst then being a Nazi dictatorship and must condemn such acts at all. You cannot repend your sin for what you have did by being judgemental towards your fellow human. Oh well I am just ranting and venting my thoughts that is running wild. A world without prejudices and judgements would be an ideal place to live in, paradise !

Its just a thin fine line to determine who you are, there or here ? to come back or to remain .. which one is you ? where are you now ?

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