Monday, June 15, 2009

Courage and Strength

When I write about the Crazy topic earlier, I was referring to the outer factor; the community and society we live in. I got a tweet from Goo whom I followed recently (and the very person who had that power to urge me to tweet when some Thai friends had introduced to me earlier, but I wasn't interested). She mentioned something of dream, what would a person be without dream; I agree, and dream drive the passion deeper. Passion will create the need and want out of a person, passion drives the dream far and wide !

But before that, do we internally have that courage and strength to seek out our dream and let our passion drives us on ? I have come across a lot of people, friends and casual acquaintances talking to me about the many things in life; ohh how nice to have this and not to do that. BUT how many of us can really step out of that comfort zone and just DO IT ? It takes tons of courage and strength to act on a certain thing that had been rooted deep inside us. The fear to step out in the open, letting ourself be prone to pain, failure and obstacles, summons a lot of courage in us. Some will never and forever complain their whole life. Some like me, just do it as life is just too short to regret over things that should have been but never are !

A person is what he/she think he/she is. A man is what he thinketh. We should determine who we are and not the society, we feel our own feeling, we think our own mind. But most of all being true to oneself and never live a life of deceit. To deny yourself of happiness is the most cruel thing that you do to yourself. We always talk about loving someone deeply and doing things for the other person, but have we thought of the core of thing in us ? To love the other person, that is coming from us, and who are we in the first place ? Have we deny who we are ? If we are denying who we are then how are we going to give love to the person whom we claim to love ?

May be I am getting a little confusing here, what I am trying to say is to love others we must first love ourself, know who we are and what we are first then we move on to love another. Otherwise we are not eligible or qualify to take care of any other person whom we claim to love when in the very first place we don't know who we are !

This is courage and strength that you must have within you, only you can do that and not any other outer factor.

I too must deal with myself FIRST ! Are you ?

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