Friday, October 31, 2008

Subconscious mind II

I was talking about subconscious mind earlier, about my going to Komodo Island. Well again you can call it the universe is conspiring to make things happen for me just when I leave it to the universe to do so. I have always wanted an underwater camera. But have not the chance or financial stability to do so. I guess by now I have started to push myself too hard or pulling the rubber band too tight. I am allowing things to evolve one by one. I had done sooo much things and wanted soo much things to work out the way I WANT it to be. But there are times, many times that we cannot force it to happen.

I am not saying I give up, I am still doing it, Keeping myself moving I did not OR will not stop doing what I am doing. Never, but I come to learn about worrying less of the outcome rather enjoy the process and let is evolve and unveil the results. I take every outcome in peace and accepts every failures that is bestow upon me. Again I will come back but in other ways that I will get back what is belong to me. I will not give up, I will come back.

My subconscious mind had been working hard on this part to keep me moving. Keep me going, I always believe that what happens NOW is what I have ask for earlier, much earlier on. The will is strong and the message of wanting is also strong. I still remember a friend once says, that million dollar is not here yet may be because now you are not ready for it ! It will be here for you when you are ready. I agree totally with him. We are preparing ourself for the next chapter, for what is to come next. 

Its making me feeling more and more spiritual when I realize what is happening around me. This is awakening to me and its really feeling nice. Believing, having faith and keeping hope ! 

Are you experiencing the same as me ? Have you encounter such ? Without your efforts in working for that thing to happens, it just happens !

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lesson on love

A lesson of love from a child …

I read an email from a friend about love from the child’s point of view. Some of it makes me laugh at their innocent, some makes me stop and think but one particular one makes me eyes teary.

‘An old neighbor just lost his companion and he was sitting on his porch crying, the lil boy climb over the fence and sit on his lap. And when he returns home mum ask him what did he say to the old man. I did not, I only help him to cry.’

Sometimes words are not needed, by just being there our action speaks louder then anything. Our presence is the best love that can be.

A lot of times we thought by having beautiful words we can help to make the situation better BUT most the times all we need to do is just by being there !

This also reflects the purity and honesty of the child we once are. Before we are being tainted by the moving world, before we are being influence by the community that we live in. I notice that life’s journey is all about returning to where we are, where we once starts from. The ultimate destination is back to where we come from; the origin of where we are once ... pure and honest, no pollution of what so ever form the world outside. As we grow we are being thought to protect our selves, learn ways to treat people (good or bad). As we grow we become more and more tainted as more and more acids being thrown into our mind when we are being challenge.

Somehow when we grow older and realize that we have reach our 'peak', the universe will tells us that we are tainted and it's time we start our journey of discovery back to where we come from. And by this return journey we have completed our duty of learning and picking up lessons along the way. For those who have not learn the lessons, then the next life is waiting ... for your return to continue learning. I totally believe in re-birth and karma, what goes around comes around. This is the way of life and the way universe do things.

What is your lesson in love ? 

Monday, October 20, 2008

Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious mind whether you believe it exist or not, is there ! It occasionally, often happens to me that when I did something, I told myself ‘ Hey wasn’t this I wanted to do sometime back when I was younger’. A LOT of times .. this kinda comments come right into my mind. And I always brush it off/ away, until I read this book call ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’. It is so true that our mind so ever powerful that what we wanted is planted in a corner of our brain and that it is constantly working for us without our knowledge. I am realizing that things are happening to me. Things that I have had once thought of going or doing either when I was a girl or some random thoughts that had some significance to me, its beginning to come true one by one. And our mind is really that powerful. I am sure most of you would have read about the power of the ‘The Secret’. What is written in that book is also correct, what is wants is attracted to us by our thoughts. A man (here I refer to mankind, and not being gender biased) is what he thinks.

Our mind are so powerful that when we are is the right frequency it can be so deadly. Our focus is total into making it being, making it real, making comes true. When we are in the right mind, no obstacle is able to stop us. When one is determine to win over, the mind will signal out will to keep going. When we are thinking of achieving, our mind has only achievement to think of.

Our mind, always work on what we have think either consciously or sub consciously without our realising that we are signaling out to the universe. And some of you may not realize that its happening. But the experience accumulates, you will realize what I have encounter before ‘ hey this . isn’t this is what I wanted to do when I was younger ? ‘ Trust me, you can say its spiritual but its true. Your mind is that powerful !

Have you ever had that experience before ? This thing that you are doing, is something that you wanted to do sometime back and you are doing it NOW ! I had, I wanted to visit Komodo Island when I read through a magazine introducing Flores Islands in Indonesia and I told myself how nice if I can visit these islands. And now I think after may be 15 years, I am going to Komodo Island in 2 weeks time. Also I have come across Christmas Island, almost the same time, AND guess what if all things goes well, I will be in Christmas Island in one and half month’s time.

IS this the power of the sub conscious mind ? 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Repeated lessons

A lot of times we are being thrown lesson repeatedly. I was being tested repeatedly on patience and perseverance. Everyday in my life, there are decisions that I need to make to go ahead now or to just wait a little longer. On a lot of occasion I follow intuitions but a lot of other cases I follow my heart, then again one or two times I allow my radical mind rule.

Most the times when it comes to being radical and logic in my daily work, I can  perfectly identify and decide without procrastinating as mine is the left brain who are excellent with analyzing situations. But when it comes to matters of the heart, I can hardly decide and most the times I rushes in on things. May be this is what we call follows one’s heart. By following our heart, does not mean that we should do as we like. There’s always this debate in me. To follow my heart but not to hurt those I love will be ideal. If by following my heart I hurt my love one in the process, its not so ideal. Then there is this question, I need to take care of my feelings before anything else (confusing isn’t it ?)

In the previous chapters of my life, I have made numerous decisions base on logic as well as following my heart. Then again though some are right and some are not, I have never regretted any. Those are the right here and then as It may not be now when I look back. This is MY lesson in patience, to wait a little longer as I should not hurry life, noting is so life saving urgency.

Perhaps the many crisis’s and obstacles I have gone through provides me the platform to see things from a different perspective now. Not only we should see things from a different angle but on different level as well. The wise saying ‘ only fools rush in’ could be right after all. Then again, sometimes we need to grab that chance that may not come a second time.

Life is really so ever complicated and confusing when it comes to lesson at least to me, just when to take that chance of a lifetime or wait a little longer 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

who are you ? who am I ?

I was reading this article about McCain asking ' Who is Obama ?' 

Well precisely, who are WE ? Who are YOU ? who am I ? Have we ask this question before ? I guess we ask it everyday, who is so and so; he is so good looking, he is so rich, she is so beautiful, she is so smart. But have we truly ask who that person 'is' ? 

A lot of times we allow people to see who we are from the skin but carefully covering our other side, protecting our true self and our true feelings, from what ? from fear, from the potential of being hurt ? From being tag as a softy when we should be a toughie, our elders teach us to be tough in facing the world. But they always forget that by ignoring the true self we are denying ourself, who we are. When we deny our true feelings and face the world, we are not living.

I recently read Osho's comments about selfishness. We are thought to be unselfish when we are young, to be kind and giving. But it is true what Osho says about selfishness, FIRST we must think of ourself so that we know how it is to give, and to be kind to others. If we do not know how to care for ourself how do know to care for others ? Most often people only think about being unselfish as in order to give, but do we know what we want ? Or do we actually learn who we are ? before we start giving out wrongly.

I have been through some changes in my life for the past few years. I am sure everyone did, its a phase in life that everyone is thrown lesson about life. I think only about the other side/party instead of what I want, who I am. Which is not right, which does not address the core of being, indeed it ended that I creates more resentments in me. One must understand oneself in order to give, and not to give blindly. To know ourself and seek what is best for ourself IS NOT being selfish. It is essential to know who we are so that we know how to deal with others, it is important that we must know / love ourself in order to spread love. If we are not sure who we are, then how are we going to spread the message to others ? Everything comes from one CORE, the center of YOU ...  not your navel .. but your HEART !

who are you ?