Monday, September 29, 2008

A mix mind.. loss, cheating and compassion

I am again looking for a topic to write. Actually a few came up as I idle along the path, too many things in mind…  all mix up ! have no direction, have no focus, can’t concentrate. It’s floating, its drifting. So I  just go along as it comes, being in a state of confusion. Some wise man says “ Confusion is a wonderful state before clarity “ I say just let it be, no forcing of what comes next. The universe will let it unfold when the time is right. All we need is just prepare our self to the ecstasy that comes.

I did thought about talking on loss, a TV clip about Sichuan survivor makes my heart ache when I saw this old lady survive the quake with all her relative, children, may be grandchildren loss in this heart wrenching disaster. Living old age without any close one by your side, the trauma of surviving .. I am thinking what is she feeling now ?

And the other topic I want to talk about is con / cheat …. I am wondering when these conman carry out their act do they have in mind that what goes around comes around, or they are totally blinded by what happens next that they care only what happens NOW ! The victim lose only money BUT they are truth to themselves, oh no the ‘victim’ I should say is the perpetrator whom had loss their ‘self’ when they carry out their act. They lose their identity and dignity !

It took me a few days to come up with this post, I was having a struggle in me trying to absorb so many feelings and thoughts all at once. Ever since started this blog I became aware of my surroundings and hence I am absorbing everything good and bad. It is soooo hard to digest everything all at the same time. Guess this is part of the urban disease that we try to be everywhere doing everything and very so often forgetting to be just HERE ! Right at the moment digest and absorb what is NOW ! We hurry with life, hurry with conclusion to things happening around us, hurry with traffic, hurry with everything that’s going on !

And when all these happens, I was reading this book by Osho about compassion, hence I quote ‘When passion becomes alert and aware, the whole energy of love comes a refinement, it becomes compassion’ Compassion is love comes of age. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Darkest period.. rock bottom ?

In every one of our lives, we will go through ups and downs, a roller coaster ride, the yo yo effects, the cycle of life; however mean you wish to call the journey. In this journey at some moment, we will go on sabbatical, silent retreat to enlighten their spiritual and find the other meaning of life that we thought we are living in until things start to fall apart or fall out. Its when we believe so much in but never turn out the way we want it to be, our believe and faith shaken, our vision turns a little blurring. This is when we lose our focus and caught off guard, rolling down hill.

I too was there before, the period on silent retreat was the lowest in one's life. The universe continuously run tests on your will power, on your inner strength, on your perseverance and patience in carrying on. One must always tell ourself that its always too soon to quit, we must carry on the journey even though the path is of muddy and full of rocks when we are walking on bare feet. Soon it will be over. And one will know it when it is over, the universe will gives you hint that the climb is in front and its once again to put our concentration on the wheel and steer our way to the top. 

The rock bottom is for us to hit so that when we rise, we know how it is to be once down there. In order to know how sweetness taste, we must first know what sour means. In order to know how it feels to be love, we must first learn how to love ! There is always a true cycle on effects, the cause of effects. How do you know sadness if you have not been to happiness ? How do we know this sweet if there is no sour ? Vice versa ... this is what I believe in, the Karma. There is always this saying what goes around comes around. As in life, we will also goes through ALL the ups and downs the universe is charting for us, it doesn't matter that we start early or late it will be lessons and courses along the way. We will have our times in our lives, be it the peak or the valley ! We may hit the peak at 20 and drop to the valley by 30, or we may only hit the peak at 50 and lead a suffering life when we are 60. The curve is there, it is out karma that will determine the sharpness of the turn point.

To hit the rock bottom, everyone once in our lifetime, I believe, will goes through it at least once. If not then life is boring ! It's monotonous, its just too plain smooth to live in. No lessons learn, no new experience to share, no wisdom growth, no compassion learn. Dull !

Only those who have fail greatly will achieved greatly, I do not need to repeat the many times Eisntein, Ford or the many other inventors that had failed the first second or hundreadth times in order to achieve greatly in the history of invention. So does Walt Disney who have gone through bankruptcy to become a legend himself. They know what it is like to fail greatly ! And what the feelings are to achieve greatly too.

A person will treasure the sweet success more for she/he who had been there knows how it feels like !

Where are you now ?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gender Equality

I read from the recent news about a female candidate for USA Republican VP election, a female candidate for Japan's PM. If these two ladies succeeded in becoming the VP and PM, then it is truly time for CHANGE ! Oh no they have changed in certain part of the world before this, Margaret Tatcher, Indira Gandhi, Merkel, etc etc .... 

In every corner of the world people are crying for CHANGE, but how much change is happening ? People still see that women's role is still of minor as compare to men. In this country where I live in, one MP even criticize women 'leaking every month' in comparison to informations leak by a fellow MP. This is such sexist of him being a Member of Parliament, hurling such derogatory words.

I was talking with a fellow industry player about women in business when she was commenting on other business owner bad mouthing behind her by saying that all her businesses comes from making out with her male guests. This is absurd of human when they are unable to match up to skills and business capability, will find blames and reason to criticize another. 

I think it truly is high time for the world to look at women, who are more tolerance and patience. Who are more capable in leading and managing, who are more patience and persevere. Who will not procrastinate and more affirmative in decision making. 

Is Malaysia ready for that ? To have a female Deputy PM ?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Power in transition

Transition of power plan that we are having now at the local front, makes me wonder, is there such a system in any country or association in other parts of the world where democracy is being practice. That the successor is being chosen by the predecessor rather then the members of the party ? Wow..  amazing achievements of a new ruling for new era of CHANGE ??? 

A leader of an association will hand over to the Deputy in a said period irregardless whether the member approve to it or not ! Isn't a president being elected rather then hand over to ??? This really puzzle me and seems like none of the members in the association is voicing any doubts or legibility of this transition. Its funny, and its a slap in the face for us Malaysian who had been independence half a century ago ! 

Anyway, I find it very comical and cartoon to have such a system at work in political party. The next amazing thing that gives me another good laugh is the 41 members (or so, such a big group of MPs traveling together to break fast in a foreign land ???)  agricultural studying trip to Taiwan by the mass non industry related MPs. Very comical and A WASTE of tax payers money !!! Someone be better to check these expenses and justify the purposes. Or did I miss anything that the trip is self sponsor by the MPs themselves ? 

Hmmm I wonder if Bush will also hand over the power to McCain in Nov ? Or Samak to Takshin ? May be Kuan Yew did to Hsien Loong ! So it too can happen with Pak Lah to Najib.

Monday, September 8, 2008


It was highlighted in the paper recently that a women aged 22 was detained 11 months for failure to show proof of citizenship after she lost her ID card. She was 6 months pregnant then and recently she was release with her infant boy in tow after a nurse take pity on her and report her case to the local Youth group leader who then took up the case and pursue to trace her background and help her seek the overdue release she so much deserve as a citizen of this country !

I am sure there are many such cases happening in every corner of the world. Just that it bothers me, 2 things come into my mind; how could anyone forgot her/his ID no ? And why wouldn't anyone care to find out or investigate who she is ?

I am trying to figure out why did the woman, not bother to even remember her own ID ? Is it that she had more better things to fill her mind with; such as money to buy food, a roof to cover her body and soul, or a husband to take care of her needs. How could she have just gone missing without anyone's knowledge ? Family, friends, relatives ? The past 11 months, she just pass through life and no one ever knew of her existence, her whereabout .. she is just like a ghost or spirit that does not exist at all. No one would care or take notice to look for a missing friend/relative/daughter/sister/ who is 6 months pregnant. 

It is sad that the authority did not even bother to investigate nor care to find out if this person is really a citizen or otherwise. Is the immigration officer so hands full ? Or this is one of the many thousand cases of illegals in the country that is meeting dead end solutions ? This is truly sad that such cases happen, especially more so for the kids who are neither here nor there, without any citizenship if the parents are alien !

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Protection ?

I was having my lunch at my favorite local stall one afternoon. There comes a couple, I assume as they are sharing food though they certainly don't look like a couple to me, by the way their body language says. Anyway thats not the point I am going to talk about.

Well I know I shouldn't be eaves dropping but they are sharing the table with me since I am alone. They are talking about this mantra/chakra which a friend accidently put into the washing machine and that whether the chakra still have 'power'. The guy was saying as long as it's laminated and not wet, it should be ok. Just goto a place or temples where there are praying take it out and it should have the power back ?

Do we need this for protections when the most and fiercest thing to fear is HUMAN them self ? What is more fearful when you are sleeping with the enemy ? What is more fearful when you are being betray by the most trusted person ? How do you protect yourself from these ?

When the world is moving into a global crisis ? how do we get ourself protected ? When we are in depression is there any method to protect us ? When our heart are broken is there any chakra to meant a broken heart ?

Protections of such like the amulets of Thailand, catukham can fetch to thousand of dollars, of course I cannot question the power of this religious symbols. Then again, how many people have been cheated to get a false catukham ? Often at times, we are being drawn to protective amulets and mantras to keep the evils away from us. But how many times have we really look into our self that the evil is within us ? Our thoughts, our actions and our feelings ... is it from the purest and most sincere of our core ? Are we being REAL to the external surrounding ? I always believe what goes around comes around, life is after all a huge cycle !

What are you wearing to protect yourself ? I wear my heart with me all the time !

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The last 2 weeks had been lotsa traveling on my side, one after the other on short notices. I tried to sit and write but inspiration are not there as I am trying to be in the moment and try not to be too self centre.

I was away on a short break with a very good friend, we were primary school mate and it has been 32 now. Its kinda like it or not we are stuck with each other kinda relation. This is one of the friends that is for life. And we met with 2 more friends whom also are our primary school mates. Its so amazing that sometimes without realizing it we had been friends this long !

These neither is people that will never crossed my professional path nor will I crossed theirs. We are already someone in our own industry. Each of us had gone through that phase when we struggle in our own field for recognitions and the climb up the ladder.

I certainly felt blessed to have these people around me that will never judge me for who I am or what I am. These are the people that will make you real and allows you to be you.

Then again, this are also the people, either you like it or not, that will be there for life ! You hate them, you like them, you will there with them, you leave them, you come back to them.

They, without any doubt, are your framily !