Thursday, October 15, 2009

which way ?

You see that it is wrong and you have to do something, but what can you do ? You can't do much to change it. Then again you have do something, so that it will not turn tragic. So that it will not create a bigger problem in the future, everything is a cause and effect. If we can see how things end up we will do our best to prevent it. Because prevention is always better then cure. And most often when it had happened cure is of no help, because it had already happen; the cure would only be either find away to get over it or leave it ! So before that happens shy don't you prevent it ?

Its funny, the last two days I had been dreaming of my mom, things that is related to her sickness and death ! I don't know why, may be I have yet to overcome her death and I miss her a lot. I did not dream of her directly but things that is related to her. How could I had miss seeing the signs that she is so sick and had cancer. How could I have miss seeing the signs and thought that its just normal coughing ! I wonder how long I will need to overcome this fatal mistake of blindness in me, failure to take good care of her ! and when she is not around, I find that my responsibility grows, I had always be the big sister overlooking my younger brother. The shoulder is getting heavier.

I guess I can feel how parents feel when they want the best for their kids, just that they often forgot that there are certain ways that will is better then what they think should be.

Most people will say that this is the best way for them, but have they really see or listen clearly that there is no best way at all. Everything that we do we must always remember, do it with your heart and not be blinded by it. Once our heart is blinded, we hear nothing we see nothing, all we see is evil and all we listen is anger ! If that is what we see and hear, then most often that is not the best way at all and its the only way to self destruction.

So which is your way ? My only way is by using my heart to lead me to the best way.

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