Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It came as a surprise that Yasmin Ahmad one of my favorite Malaysian .. passed away after a stroke and never regain consciousness. Its a sudden death at 51. Its a huge lost for the film and commercial industry of Malaysia.

I just couldn't imagine that we were talking about her just the day before that she had a stroke and still in ICu after the brain operation. Hoping that she will come out fine. And 2 hours later, she passed away. I was shock to hear the news, that life is so fragile that we can never ever predict or guess what will happen the next hour. Mom leaves us in a hurry herself, may be its destine that she waits until all 3 of us comes back and 'surrender' to God's will ! It will be a shock to Yasmin's family, and it will be difficult to ever come to accept her demise. It will be tough to accept !

I have tried to write as much as I can these few weeks. somehow too many ups and downs surrounding me such as this. I think as we grow, we become more aware and take things more into our heart as compare to when we are younger, we would just brush anything aside or being ignorant as that time while younger we may be too engross with our other life.

Where are you now ? Where is your journey ? Which corner are you maneuvering now ? Are you rushing down the hills ? Just no matter at what point you doing dealing with now, always be in this moment; BE IN THIS MOMENT ! So that when you look back there is no regret that you did not see it, feel it nor hear it !

I want to thank those of you who have came in to read .. either I know you directly or indirectly. Thank you for reading .. I hope that you will take a minute and remember the loved ones that had leave you and had touched your life before they leave. Think of them for a minute if not 2 !

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