Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The meaning of Life

I was browsing around the bookshop this morning in Jakarta airport and Coelho's book again caught my eyes. A book that I have not seen been release 2 years ago titled "Life" collectible quotes from the authors many best sellers. It contain all the quotes taken from his inspirational books .. and I vaguely remember a short para that means something like "In our everyday life we search for the deep meaning of what life is and most often we are not able to do until the day when we meet God" So it doesn't not matter which path we take, the most important is how we walk it.

It brings me back to the meaning of me taking a vegetarian diet after my mum's death, does it mean anything that I go for 100 days or 200 days ? Everything is in the heart, so it does not matter. Then again, by making this choice I was taught to see things differently. I crave less of meat, that will makes my body healthier and also awakens me to the sensitivity of our society. That being in a minority group of vegetarian then the majority of carnivorous is quite frustrating at times. Finding vegetarian food in Indonesia is very difficult, finding vegetarian food in Taiwan is easy. I can feel the frustration on many issues now, the racist, the gender, the sexual, and that our society tend to sway towards the majority and leave out the minority. Is it time that we wake up and see what is happening now ? That a black can be President of the most powerful country in the world ? That a women can be a Chancellor ?

So back to the meaning of life, I too am one of those who search for the meaning of our daily lives. In the work we do, the family we are born into, the countries we live in and the community we are... will we ever able to find that true meaning ? I don't know and I HOPE to know before it ends. So I always hold this principle that is by Ekhard Tolle ' The Power of Now' if not now that we act on, when ? A lot of times we procrastinate because of fear but as we approach live everyday when we wake up there will be more fear crippling up so if we don't act now the fear will be too high a mountain for us to climb.

Coelho had a book 'Veronica decides to die' ... just when we did die once that we know how valuble life is to us that by given a second chance to live, we will live without fear.

What is the meaning of life to you ?

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