Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pantai Mak Nik, Kemaman, Terengganau .. revisits

A re-visit recently back to the same shop me and a friend went last year June, we are so surprise to see that this seahorse are still being sold at the same shop. We were so sadden to see that last year there was more then 10 pieces of this seahorse hanging out there for sale. Now left only 3 pieces.

Will the demand ever stop so that the supply also stops ? We did a debate, me and G. We wanted to stop it so that this poor creatures will continue to live and that when we visit the sea we will get to see them. We pay hundreds of ringgit to got for a dive to see the beautiful creature alive ! not ringgit 5 to see them hanging at the souvenir shop !

Its not only this seahorses but the seashells as well as the shark fins and other shark tooth ! the demand MUST stop so that the supply also stops ! But then again ... who cares ? Anyone cares ? You ? You ? or YOU ?

No one will cares. Isn't that sad ? Even divers still go for shark fins soup, buying and collecting sea shells, thats bad. Is this what we are ? Human nature ?

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