Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nil, Nay, Nein, Nope .. NO ?

How often do you say NO to someone you like ? NOT often, saying no is rejecting, refusing and not wanting .. it is not easy to say NO. But have you said it before ? Have you really say NO and regretted saying it ? Have you say no without sincerity ? Its interesting how complicated such a 2 letter word can be.

Then again, I guess just when we know the limit is up, we have to just say 'NO' its time to move on. We always almost never like to bit farewell or make someone sad with this 2 letter word. But what can we do when we know that our limitation is always ever so little. We cannot stay and keep on saying yes, YES and Y.E.S. ... when we are suffering and resenting inside. With the NO we are free, release from the burden. Or some would put it as a fast way out of any burden. 

Very often in a relationship, partners / lovers never wanted to say NO but when the limit is up we just have to say nope, we have to end this if its not doing any good ! Nope we have to stop this when we are indulging ourself in unhealthy food. Nope we have to say to ourself its not doing any good if we hang in there.

Nope its not going to help even if I go on and on but its not fulfilling me. Nope it has to stop when I can't see a future by doing this. Hmmm .. No I don't want my mum to go away, No I don't want to end a friendship, No I don't want to be the one left behind. No, to sharksfin soup. No to abortion, No to child abuse, No to war ... wow amazing isn't it ? No can be of so many many versions. It can be good it can be bad ! 

Amazingly how a simple can have such a complex meaning. Crap what am I writing ? Oh well just one of those days that some randomly random thoughts pops up .. learning to say NO to people, being polite to reject. 

Tell me how often you say NO ?

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