Sunday, November 16, 2008

Did he live life or just pass through it ?

I met up with a long time friend, ex-colleague over lunch recently. We were talking casually when she says that she is busy sorting out some legal proceedings and looking for a new computer guy to service her since her brother passed away. I was shock to hear that her brother had a heart blockage at the age of 39 and the doctors says the blockage is could not be the main reason that kills him as it was only 50% blocked. Other older people who have their artery blocked 60% or 70% still survive a heart attack !

The doctor say it was due to his tension and stress that could have kill him when this mild heart attack came. At the age of 39, some old Chinese believes that the 9's are the danger zone as that is the end of the decade and all our lucks/fortunes will turn around ! and most people would avoid lotsa of risky investments/situations etc etc. So she was telling me that her brother could be one of those. But let me tell you, she is not Chinese, she is an Indian married to a Chinese (Christian). Anyway believes are believes and there is some theories behind every believes. 

I too am in the 9's corner luck (direct translation). I do notice that when I am at the other 9, 10 years ago, I had change my job / give up my stable career totally and start something fresh. Well to me life is of no regret. I may had chosen the wrong timing to start but its worth it. If I can survive this worst of timing, I will be a true champion ! Not only surviving as I always like to address my situations whenever asked. 

Back to my friend's brother, the way he pass away reminded me of another friend too. Both men are young ad they died without anyone realising it. One passed away in his own apartment and the other in his own room ! One only days after his body was found, one is luckier the next day. My deepest sympathy to both families. They are just too young to finish this journey. They should have go a little further, to live life. I hope they did live life, that they did not pass their life !

Bless their soul !

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