Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aggression or Submission

I was reading a very interesting book that provokes the mind, The Warrior of the Light. I have always like these kind of books that challenges our mind and our thoughts. The New Age !

If you are being thrown with a crisis over and over, one after the other, will you keep charging or you will breakdown and give up ? First you are not happy with your job, you resign, now in the midst of starting your own business with limited paid up, your mum is sick and needs full attentions, you are juggling between here and there to meet ends need. All this, you are being continuously reminded by the bank to settle your card debts, your loans, insurance etc. Your health were also at risk. You hardly can barely to survive, you just got 2 parking summons, your life is now at the rock bottom so to say ... will you still charge on or will you surrender to adversity and run away ? 

Another case, your soul continuously searching for the mate, only to come back each time with a no, a BIG no. You defeat over and again to the nasty rejection of love. You think thats it, this is the one BUT it turns out not meant to be ! Your whole world collapse, will you still be aggressive and keep going or you submit to the defeat and never to go for it again ? Once beaten twice shy. You would rather be alone then being rejected again. Will you still aggressively go on searching or you submit to fate ?

Its funny how each of us will react to each scenarios and experiences. Some are ever optimistic or put it that their fear of showing compassion in the public, their refuse to give up by showing that they are strong when they are not. Again there are those pessimist who are weak and will blame fate of our temporary set backs in life.

However I must or I come to realize one very important aspect of life, our journey, is that its a curve. Its never a smooth line in the chart of our life. The curve's steepness depends on our fate/faith, how we tackle and handle each steepness when we climb or fall will be the factor that is to determine the next curve's steepness. Every lesson/crisis/obstacle thrown to us everyday, every minute is meant to polish us for the next class/lesson. I also read somewhere that, every failure comes with it 2 victories ! so let us all those who have failed, prepare for ALL the victories that is coming your way now. 

Part of Life is about preparing ourself for the next ... what we learn today helps determine our next course. So whatever the situation is never submit to it ... keep the fire burning, keep it going ! Only those who failed greatly will succeed greatly in life.

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