Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 11th, 2011

On this day, an earth quake with a 9.0 richter scale hit off Honshu Island triggering a massive tsunami in Miyagi and areas surrounding it. We were at Berau's hotel of which now I have forgotten it's name. Daniel wave frantically for me to go in; as I raise my head to watch the TV clips. My heart stop a second, and my whole body was numb, I was speechless. The next 5 mins is wild ! Thoughts running wild in my head, the amount of lives lost ! Lost of love ones, lost of life ! For those who survive, it is torture. It is madness to see all your love ones and life lost in a minute ! Everything was gone. Wash away, cars, houses everything ! I only have one thing in my mind, to keep my closest informed of my being. To let them know I am ok and don't worry it will not hit East Kalimantan, as we are protected.

At that moment my life seems so precious, my thoughts was I don't know if I will survive tomorrow. Never would have thought that tsunami will hit again ! And that moment after, my minds was focus on one single person who had actually occupying my thoughts the past few days before. How will things have affected the other side, will the warning be affecting them. My texts goes out and warn to take pre-caution. Just take care and be caution. And it was suppose to be a birthday celebration; this day will be a memorable one !

And things that I have been mulling over, I kind of decides immediately that I will just go ahead. I really do not know what will happens next, because life seems so short and fragile. The courage I got from the TV clips is huge. It really pushes me to go ahead. Then again though I was being rejected but I know I have done it and not going to regret anything if I am to leave tomorrow. I never know if I will live pass this week, I don't even know if I will wake up tomorrow morning either. But as for now, I live without regret. I go forward to do what I feels should be done and should be express.

A lot of times we think, should we or shouldn't we. The back and forth of pushing forward or just let it pass. May be some will say, just let it in order not to hurt the other party. Don't say it. Then again, shouldn't we be honest and frank ? To also let the other party a chance to know what is happening ? We live only once and to bring too many loads on our shoulder is heavy and for me it's just too damn tire. We should off load all that is in our heart and mind, set them free, voice them out and do not let it be the burden to our already purpose full lesson of life.

We never know what tomorrow is going to be, not even the magic crystal ball can tell precisely. So get up and go, just do it. What ever that may comes, let it be. For today may just be your last, that you may not see the light tomorrow.

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