Sunday, February 6, 2011


Life's gives us lessons that will makes us grows and allows us to see things from many angles so that we are able to learn from it. I guess forgiveness, be it giving or taking, is a one tough subject to even get a pass !

Be it forgiving or seeking forgiveness, both acts needs tons of courage and tears shed before it is taken in and both parties move on. To forgive is the most difficult to give and to seek forgiveness we need tons of courage.

For us to forgive, we need to gain the trust back, once the trust is broken, our heart is torn apart. We need time to meant it, time to heal all pains. Until the day we are able to to fully heal our heart and build the trust, forgiveness will never suffices.

In seeking for forgiveness, we need to prove that we are worthy of forgiving and shall never repeat the act again. Otherwise it means nothing to seek for forgiveness.

I ask for your forgiveness for my negligence, I ask for forgiveness for my silliness, I also ask for forgiveness for my rudeness, I ask for your forgiveness that I never listen to your advise, I am sorry for what I have did to make you sad, to make you angry. Have you ever seek for forgiveness ?

Have you forgiven ? Did you seek for forgiveness ?

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