Monday, May 24, 2010

Society is divided

I was very concerned about the recently ended crisis in Bangkok, the Red shirt protest against the PM and goverment. A little of the history, Red Shirt comprises of the rural poor, those mainly from the north of Thailand, in Chiang Mai, Isaan provinces and Chiang Rai.

Though I have many friends in Bangkok, the gathered city of the elites and royalist in Thailand. However I sympathise on the Reds as Thailand is moving towards a much bigger problem then the mere protest of PM and democracy. This is just the surface of the boiling pot. The deep dived of society between those from the city of Angel and those farmers, peasants from the North and North East; as government always forgets about another example is the deep south (Narathiwat, Yala and Pattani ) This is the biggest issue when I talk to friends from the city, they would always blame it on the poor for not working hard, for not following the system.

Now I am curious, in a family, parents are the one who will run the daily lives of the whole household. And every children are born with different intelligent, interest and capability. The elder one may be smart and quick witted, the youngest girl may be artistic and have a natural talent, then again out of a sudden a child was born autistic; that one son that is a little slow in picking up and learning. Our parents do not leave this child behind, put him in an orphanage, and let him be it; whether he can be independent and find food for himself or whether he will be given the same opportunity to learn and school. As parents, no one will deny him the right to live and a chance to flourish in his own way. As the head of the state, no one should deny the benefit to ALL, every single person under the territory it belongs to have a right the share. There goes the same in every state and family, as long as this child belongs to the family be it an adopted or a born, he or she deserve to be treated equally between Mom and Dad.

Every farmer or bankers or engineers deserve the same rights and benefits as a citizen of the country; and the no one should be left behind when the country prospers. When a child fights, the parents will have to think of ways to teach them that they are all under the same roof from the same family surname !

I was really very sad to see this is happening in Bangkok and the social divide is a very big problem that if the parents did not address it, will break the whole family apart.

And I am afraid that it may spread to us the cousins and neighbour. Malaysia is moving towards being a government that is blinded to corruption and moving the gap of social divide bigger then it use to be 10 years before. If the divide continues to break it will be worst then in Thailand as we have so many different of colours, races and religion.

If you have an autistic child will you leave him / her behind ? So that he / she will not shame you or your family ?

1 comment:

One who has been changed said...

You are right a divided society is like living with a bomb that could explode at any time. But Government itself is not the answer and is usually big part of problem. Real answer is found in the Bible. When people understand that God loves us and His son Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. All are equally important to God but each is given different abilities so that the whole will fit into the plan God has for us. Read book of John in the Bible and become agent of life for others to follow. May you be given wisdom with understanding in these dark times.