Wednesday, May 19, 2010

loyal and betrayal

Loyal and betrayal both comes together, at the same time. I was shared today. And it had me thinking what is the price of loyalty and what do you get out of betrayal ?

I sympathise a friend whom had dedicated his 18 years of working time in a company only to realise that his contribution so far had not been valued and will be put in the freezer to be frozen until his retirement next year. 18 years in a company is a very long period, loyalty ! He could have jump ship for a 'better' employer or continue to jump for better opportunities during his younger days. But he remain in the same company for 18 years. Loyal but not appreciated. Are you loyal to your employer ? to your friends ? to the kopitiam stall that you frequent everyday, every week, every month. How many of us are ? Not many and in this society that we live in now, people are given so much of choices and influences that we almost forgot what loyalty means. What does it mean to you ? Loyalty to a friend, to your family, to your employer; does it means a lot ? or none ? Between human if we lose this one valuable trait within us, we are more or less left with no value at all. Our relationship, between each of us, loyalty could be the very last to give up. To stay loyal when the most unfortunate strikes, to stay loyal even though we are being tested to the maximum.

If this basic value that we as human are betrayed, it leave us without any value among fellow being. We are not belong, we will be our own. Who would want to be align with one that had no value ?

Have you been betray before ?

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