Friday, August 28, 2009

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything

I quotes this from Mark Twain.

Of late, I find myself losing my grip on my daily life, my focus and my passions are all floating and drifting. Work matters, relationship matters are all over the places.

But what really troubles me is a new friendship ... hmmm I find myself entangle in the web of deceit and a friendship gone wrong when I touch on the most sensitive of their truth. When the topic comes out it is right on the most sensitive of the situation and that I have touch on their most fearsome taboo. I have long rise up to this kind of entanglement but somehow drawn into it unconsciously. At this moment in my life, I have walk the many path and taken up the many lessons in life that I am most too frank to touch on the taboo of honesty and being truth to oneself and the people around us especially in the minority community's issue.

Anyway, I have come this far in life to know who will walk the path with me and who I will leave behind as well as who will just be a casual encounter. I am never a person who like to spend time involve in a toxic friendship, if a person comes into my life just for a reason then I know when to end. Because I am not there to change but just to invoke a mind to think what's next ! And it is always not my choice to decide what's next for anyone to follow.

I guess along the way you and me have gone through a lot of picking up and dropping off, the process selection is always never ending. Human is also ever changing that we will meet so many types of people and characters that may or may not fits into our own ! And talk about fitting in .. some are wearing masks everyday, some are just plain ignorant and some are just too secretive ! ! If I am to wear a mask in front of a person whom I call friend then its just to tiresome and faking. I will choose to leave and opt out .. because I don't want to cover a lie with more lies, it is too tiring to have to remember what I have said !

I find it amazing that at this part of my journey I am facing some very interesting people. Some of whom choose to be restricting their true self, some are open on the surface and yet fear to speak the truth, some choose to be ignorant and dumb ! Some look fearless but are full of fear inside, some choose to live a life full of deceit when they keep accusing cheaters and liers ! It is most fascinating how human varies and how each have their own choices to live their life !

What an amazingly true life ! So what kind of mask are you wearing now ?

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