Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It came as a surprise that Yasmin Ahmad one of my favorite Malaysian .. passed away after a stroke and never regain consciousness. Its a sudden death at 51. Its a huge lost for the film and commercial industry of Malaysia.

I just couldn't imagine that we were talking about her just the day before that she had a stroke and still in ICu after the brain operation. Hoping that she will come out fine. And 2 hours later, she passed away. I was shock to hear the news, that life is so fragile that we can never ever predict or guess what will happen the next hour. Mom leaves us in a hurry herself, may be its destine that she waits until all 3 of us comes back and 'surrender' to God's will ! It will be a shock to Yasmin's family, and it will be difficult to ever come to accept her demise. It will be tough to accept !

I have tried to write as much as I can these few weeks. somehow too many ups and downs surrounding me such as this. I think as we grow, we become more aware and take things more into our heart as compare to when we are younger, we would just brush anything aside or being ignorant as that time while younger we may be too engross with our other life.

Where are you now ? Where is your journey ? Which corner are you maneuvering now ? Are you rushing down the hills ? Just no matter at what point you doing dealing with now, always be in this moment; BE IN THIS MOMENT ! So that when you look back there is no regret that you did not see it, feel it nor hear it !

I want to thank those of you who have came in to read .. either I know you directly or indirectly. Thank you for reading .. I hope that you will take a minute and remember the loved ones that had leave you and had touched your life before they leave. Think of them for a minute if not 2 !

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

some pictures

Well I have not have any inspiration to write ermm not actually there's quite a lot of things to write but don't know which one to start with.

And a friend, a new friend was complaining that my blog is bit too boring no pictures for her to see. Sooo here you are some pictures of me from my recent trips ..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What will you do ?

Yesterday morning, I was having breakfast with Uncle Sim in Katong area(singapore), suddenly a lorry was non stop honking at first we thought it was some normal car blocking scene but when suddenly some of the restaurant patrons starts to notice and move to see what happens, we began to realise that the driver of the lorry was having either a seizure or heart attack. From my seat I could see that he keeps shaking his body and his hadn keep presing the steering. A few good samritans did try to help him by supporting his head but none try to do anything to move him from the seat. And Uncle Sim says that there's a clinic nearby and someone when over to the clinic to ask the doctor tocome and help. The doctor, a middleage man, came out and by the time he arrive the driver had re-gain his consciousness an was talking to the doctor. He seems reluctant to move from his driver seat. And few minutes later the ambulance arrive, with all the big medical boxes and the stretchers / wheelchairs. Still the driver is reluctant to move, after a few more minutes of talking and pursuading the doctor left the scene and letting the ambulance and emergency responder to handle the situation. And by the time we finished our drinks and food, we too start to move. And I saw that the drive couldn't control his bowel and his jean are all wet. I was like, why is he reluctant to seek medical assistance ? Only when Uncle Sim says that medical in Singapore is bloody expensive, that I realise why his reluctance. I guess with his salary he have a family to support and he can't afford to be sick or hospitalise. So to him his priority at this moment is not his life, but the consequences of his stopping his life. He cannot stop, he have to continue moving. If he stops the whole family could have stop as well. I wish for him the best and that his life could improve soon, universe will be fair to those who have sacrifise and never give up on themselves.

This incident makes me uncomfortable for a while and had me thinking. What if one day, may be tomorrow or may be next week or next month that suddenly I had a seizure or heart attackwhile driving. What will happen ? To me, to my business, to my family ? This happens everyday and every hours in all across the world and continents. It only makes our life even more fragile and unpredictable. Any moment any minute when it is up, we have to move on, no bargains no negotiations .. none. Just get up and go !

What will you do if you were given a chance to re-do one thing before your time is up ,say tomorrow ? What will you do NOW ?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Interesting people and life !

I just read this email from a dear friend who sent it to me few days back and was too busy to open it. Its one of those forwarded emails. I open it this morning and it was an email that writes about friendships, I had a copy printed out from another friends more then 6 years back and I still keeps it till today. I guess a lot of you have already read about the seasonal friendship. That every person comes into our life with a purpose; a reason, season or lifetime !

I met an interesting person while I was away in China and I also met a group of interesting people from Singapore today .. ALL are different but are very interesting in their own ways ! This is the marvel of life, it is this simple and only we makes it complicated so says Confucius.

We keep meeting and seeing people everyday in our day in and day out routines, do we really notice each and everyone of them ? Do we really look into their eyes and notice what are they wearing as accessory or do they really wear any at all ??? As we hurry life, do we really spend a minute to truly look ? Not really, most people would just hurry and move on. This I have always tried to reminds myself over and again that we should slow down and let our heart feel, rather then just let our head see !

People comes into our life for a reason, a season and lifetime. I was distracted by this documentary on Discovery Channel about this little girl from a little town in China, she had a huge tumor on her face and that tumor grows and she can't go out to the open as the sunlight will makes matters. I don't know about the details, what I want to say is that she is lucky that this Dr from UK came into her life for a reason, to help her be normal and be able to lead a normal life. This little girl is so lucky and unfortunately to be tested at such a young age, but lucky enough to have a person came into her life to help her, to live a normal life even though she passed away 2 month after her surgery. She was given the chance to live by a person that comes into her life a for reason !

Many among us have also been tested over and again. But how many of us are able to see the lesson bestow upon us and be fully aware of each one of them ?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Faking the soup

Well sharks fins soup had been the dish that hosts would never go without during Chinese dinners/functions and it is the cause for the inhumane slaughtering of sharks for the fins !

But there is a way to keep the tradition and yet maintain a sustainable balance in the marine eco system. Here is where the fake sharks fins comes in.

Please play your role, the demand stops supply stops, make a difference by keeping the tradition and yet balancing the system.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

China re-visit, Shanghai & Hangzhou

This recent China trip to Shanghai and Hangzhou was a little down memory lane for me. Everything is new though it look familiar. So many changes, and some culture shock after a long gap of 16 years since my last visit to China in general.

As usual my passions are for food and also the local markets, where to activities are. Let me share these photos with you

This is a fermented glutinous rice (wine) with little dumpling stuff with black sesame, its so tasty that even though I am full, I couldn't resist to have 2 bowls ...

Ohh this is one of my favorite, the basic and daily dishes you can find in all parts of China the Lanzhou hand made beef noodle (la mien)

Ahh this is another favorite local dish where you can find in all parts of China, dumplings stuff with vegetables or meat or mix. And have to be eaten with vinegar which will helps to stabilise the easy filling dumplings.

This is another of the dumpling BUT was from a restaurant and the one above is from a local roadside restaurant, these assorte one with colors are less tasty then the local ones. Which always explains why I like to down to the street, even to squat with the locals .. those are really local food, from the local to the locals *-*

ahem here's yours sincerely with a good friend, Carol, who also loves to eat... when we eat we must always find the best buddy so that the atmosphere of eating and sampling is there rather then 'ohh the cholesterol, oh the calories' duh duh duh !!

Well this trip to China we did also visit the local markets, I believe by going to the local wet markets, is the best way to see the life of the locals. The wet market is where all the ingredients of good food comes from. And this is where the actions starts daily. I had influence Carol to travel with me, wake up early morning to go marketing, of which is not a normal routine for her even though back home.

Okay we have wanted to try this plum called yang mei, I don't what its called in English, it taste funny sweet sour, and little bit crunchy but funny. BUT I love the peach, its soo sweet and crunchy, yum yum. Too bad that I did not manage to capture any in pictures.

Eels are for summer, lots and lots comes in different sizes.

This is a surprise for me as the local market is so clean and so orderly !

So tell me where would you like to visit when you visit a country/city; the museum ? Shopping centre ? the Park, The arts centre ?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

feels so good ...

I was so frustrated that while I was in China lately (Shanghai and Hangzhou) I can't access to blog, well the so call human rights.

Anyway, this will be a short one while I recuperate from my trip; here share with you this new song by a person that I am following on her love story, the story itself is as intriguing as the song !

Enjoy the lovely song ..