Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The meaning of Life

I was browsing around the bookshop this morning in Jakarta airport and Coelho's book again caught my eyes. A book that I have not seen been release 2 years ago titled "Life" collectible quotes from the authors many best sellers. It contain all the quotes taken from his inspirational books .. and I vaguely remember a short para that means something like "In our everyday life we search for the deep meaning of what life is and most often we are not able to do until the day when we meet God" So it doesn't not matter which path we take, the most important is how we walk it.

It brings me back to the meaning of me taking a vegetarian diet after my mum's death, does it mean anything that I go for 100 days or 200 days ? Everything is in the heart, so it does not matter. Then again, by making this choice I was taught to see things differently. I crave less of meat, that will makes my body healthier and also awakens me to the sensitivity of our society. That being in a minority group of vegetarian then the majority of carnivorous is quite frustrating at times. Finding vegetarian food in Indonesia is very difficult, finding vegetarian food in Taiwan is easy. I can feel the frustration on many issues now, the racist, the gender, the sexual, and that our society tend to sway towards the majority and leave out the minority. Is it time that we wake up and see what is happening now ? That a black can be President of the most powerful country in the world ? That a women can be a Chancellor ?

So back to the meaning of life, I too am one of those who search for the meaning of our daily lives. In the work we do, the family we are born into, the countries we live in and the community we are... will we ever able to find that true meaning ? I don't know and I HOPE to know before it ends. So I always hold this principle that is by Ekhard Tolle ' The Power of Now' if not now that we act on, when ? A lot of times we procrastinate because of fear but as we approach live everyday when we wake up there will be more fear crippling up so if we don't act now the fear will be too high a mountain for us to climb.

Coelho had a book 'Veronica decides to die' ... just when we did die once that we know how valuble life is to us that by given a second chance to live, we will live without fear.

What is the meaning of life to you ?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pantai Mak Nik, Kemaman, Terengganau .. revisits

A re-visit recently back to the same shop me and a friend went last year June, we are so surprise to see that this seahorse are still being sold at the same shop. We were so sadden to see that last year there was more then 10 pieces of this seahorse hanging out there for sale. Now left only 3 pieces.

Will the demand ever stop so that the supply also stops ? We did a debate, me and G. We wanted to stop it so that this poor creatures will continue to live and that when we visit the sea we will get to see them. We pay hundreds of ringgit to got for a dive to see the beautiful creature alive ! not ringgit 5 to see them hanging at the souvenir shop !

Its not only this seahorses but the seashells as well as the shark fins and other shark tooth ! the demand MUST stop so that the supply also stops ! But then again ... who cares ? Anyone cares ? You ? You ? or YOU ?

No one will cares. Isn't that sad ? Even divers still go for shark fins soup, buying and collecting sea shells, thats bad. Is this what we are ? Human nature ?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nil, Nay, Nein, Nope .. NO ?

How often do you say NO to someone you like ? NOT often, saying no is rejecting, refusing and not wanting .. it is not easy to say NO. But have you said it before ? Have you really say NO and regretted saying it ? Have you say no without sincerity ? Its interesting how complicated such a 2 letter word can be.

Then again, I guess just when we know the limit is up, we have to just say 'NO' its time to move on. We always almost never like to bit farewell or make someone sad with this 2 letter word. But what can we do when we know that our limitation is always ever so little. We cannot stay and keep on saying yes, YES and Y.E.S. ... when we are suffering and resenting inside. With the NO we are free, release from the burden. Or some would put it as a fast way out of any burden. 

Very often in a relationship, partners / lovers never wanted to say NO but when the limit is up we just have to say nope, we have to end this if its not doing any good ! Nope we have to stop this when we are indulging ourself in unhealthy food. Nope we have to say to ourself its not doing any good if we hang in there.

Nope its not going to help even if I go on and on but its not fulfilling me. Nope it has to stop when I can't see a future by doing this. Hmmm .. No I don't want my mum to go away, No I don't want to end a friendship, No I don't want to be the one left behind. No, to sharksfin soup. No to abortion, No to child abuse, No to war ... wow amazing isn't it ? No can be of so many many versions. It can be good it can be bad ! 

Amazingly how a simple can have such a complex meaning. Crap what am I writing ? Oh well just one of those days that some randomly random thoughts pops up .. learning to say NO to people, being polite to reject. 

Tell me how often you say NO ?

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Wow .. it has been almost a month since my last post here. Too many things has happened, physically and mentally, within and without. 

Life is catching up on me, no time to really pause and look around, other then some quick catch up on some favorite readings on politics, and current news from the industry. Life is treating me well so far .. there are times to reflect, time to just do it and time to bury myself in work, work, work ! 

Everyday I update myself with some interesting news of politics locally and globally. It is amazingly interesting to know how the world are so inter-related, well after all we are ALL of the same kind, human being. We breath the same air, our organs are the same internally though in different skins. Our blood are the same color, our mouth give out tone / sounds by speaking rather then squeaking nor cockle-doodling ! In countries where there are so many of conflicts and war, the solution out to some are by force (the ammunition) ! The stronger the 'force', the tougher the resistant ? Does it work ? I doubt as then who cares ... take for instance Myanmar... Buddhist monks are being killed when they came out is thousands to have their rights voice out, civilian are killed for no reason. NOW, who cares what happen to the death monk, the Japanese reporter who died in the middle of the confrontation/mass killing ? The 'force' is still as strong though the world condemn with sanctions all over. Isreal and Hamas, who cares when the 'force' is stronger then the resistant. Locally, the "Silver" crisis as I have previously posted is just the beginning of more interesting events to come, the tipping point of more larger scale. The one with the 'force' is the one in power, who is the State Ruler when the 'force' wants to strike ? Who are you the opposition Assembly/Speaker when the 'force' decides to strike and block. Who are you when the 'force' seals off roads and buildings, who are you when the 'force' decides to strike and hold you indefinitely. Who will judge you went no one is following the law, as the law is with the 'force', the HAND of GOD that is behind the 'force'. What will become of the next, who will decides ? the court ? the palace ? the State assembly ? OR the 'FORCE' within ? without ?! Lets wait for more conflicts to come ...

I don't know whether it's healthy or not, should the people stay on with the resistant when tomorrow no one knows is there bread and butter on the table ? Take the Burmese, they only worry about their family for reformation and resistant cannot feed their children and loved one. Cannot tell the bank to stop harassing for their unpaid loans. The conflicts are always a very confusing state/decision to make for the common people who want to carry on, or not to carry on the freedom fight.

I give my deepest support to my fellow human who are ever so passionate about any subjects undertaken, for those who fights for freedom, for justice, for survival.. they always have my deepest respect and admiration. I am a passionate craze too. For a life without passion is a life not worth living in. Just that our passion is of/for different interest.

Its is an ever huge cycle of life that each and everyone of us are going through, and always always what goes around will comes back around. What did you do upon others will be done upon you one day, may be not now, it will be in the future. People come and go, then back again into our life ... its always a tangle relationship that is so complicated. Until we finally decide to sit up, wake up and learn the reason behind this cycle and break it, it will always comes back to haunt us with reminders !